Never Give Up

Day 810, 19:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992
South East of England has been occupied by USA.

Today, I have lost my region which I have lived in all my eLife. A sad day indeed, as I have also tanked out, resulting in me losing most of my life savings. Being a Congressman, I have been teleported out of my region, automatically being moved to the capital, London. Best try to find a flat to settle in. At least I am saving the environment by now walking to work over at the Houses of Parliament.

I heard you can rent at a bargain here!

It is a disappointment, having lost this battle (the USA's 4th attempt at trying to take over the South East). But we cannot keep living in the now all the time. We must look into the future. I am positive that one day the South East, along with the rest of the occupied regions of the UK, France and Germany will be liberated.


The Phoenix alliance remains strong. One day, we will end the grasp of suppression that EDEN has over our regions, and rise again. I want to thank our allies who managed to hold off the Americans for so long, and for the help we will need in the future. The task that lies ahead can only be achieved with the help of our loving allies.

To my fellow South Easterners, while our region is temporarily gone, we can still stand united. Join the UK forums, where we have a section for the South East, and join our IRC channel, #eSE. Also subscribe to the South East Council's newspaper, the South East Post. A statement will be made tomorrow, so be sure to read it. By staying together in these times, we will be able to one day move back home.

The UK Army

If we are to defeat the evil that has attacked us, we must come together as one. It doesn't matter what region you are from, what party you belong to. Our time is upon us, and we can succeed if we try. It's time to show EDEN that we will never give up, never stop fighting until we are victorious.

Never give up! Tomorrow is a new day.