Negotating with the Indies

Day 479, 00:13 Published in Australia Australia by Bilbarus

With the current Indo-Aussie treaty due to expire , negotiations on the new Indo-aussie treaty are sceduled for Sunday . We will be represented by a 4 member team chosen by the Prime Minister .
The Indies have dealt with us in good faith so far , and we have returned the favor . These negotiations come at a crucial time . The Indies need their aussie friends more than ever . I strongly believe we can get a much better deal than we did last time . I believe we should push for a time table for the return of ALL occupied lands . In return we could offer the Indies Australian military assistance . We WOULD be fighting for the return of our lands , just not the way the hot-heads suggest . If you support this idea , contact you senator or other representative . Thank You .
Senator Bilbarus