NCP Party President Elections and a critic to our politicians

Day 694, 06:08 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by the blasphemer
Hello to all Czech Republic citizens!

It's that time again, new elections are tomorrow and we have 3 candidates, article was about logamac and martin23230, but then martin23230 stepped down, some challengers appeared and here is how the things are now :

logamac VS Red_Baxter VS Dimitri Polumbryk

I am writing this article to express my opinion on the political situation in the country. We all know we have a lack of active players and the ones that are sometimes active are not willing to contribute, or don't even care. They use this lack of population to get some medals and experience points easy, and that is it.
In my short time as president of this party i did very little, i know, but the congressman were very inactive and not willing to cooperate, and i accepted the position of MoD, and invested most of my time in building of army, so there was no one to take care of party business.
And now we have 2 candidates, and no plan...don't get me wrong but there are no presentations, and the elections are tomorrow.

Logamac made a copy paste of his presidential plan, and the only thing he is thinking of is building slavic alliance that is time consuming in times when the country is going trough some rough reforms!
Martin23230 made no presentation at all, and from what i've seen he had some problems with logamac's way of work, but he did nothing to inform the public of his plans either!

Now you may ask, why are you so hard on your party members?!

Well, i'm sick of everyone complaining in general, but no one is doing a thing to change that! And that goes for whole country, not just our party! In well populated countries none here would have even a chance in politics without presentation and a well designed plan. Winning a congress seat or party elections without presentation is absurd to me. How can someone represent you and your opinion in congress without a plan? If you are inactive, don't run for congress or any other position, let the active ones do the work.

I will not get involved in politics any more, for now... and for you that will, please think of this. There are few politicians that are trying to change something, but we need more people, serious people, not just guys with congress medals and party president titles.

I know many of you will not like this article, but this is only truth and criticism with proofs. If you want i will submit proofs for every word i've said.

My intentions were not to insult you, just to alarm you, that we need better domestic politics to get the country going. I think many active players will back me up on this, you all know what i'm talking about...

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