NCP Congressional Activism Program

Day 1,469, 15:42 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut II

I wanted to take this opportunity to address the previous Congressional Elections and announce our policy for the next cycle. Right now we have four phenomenal Congressmen, however we know that we could've done better. The main reason for this failing was the over-extension of our resources. As you know, I have trouble saying no to helping people, but ultimately this policy does not work out in the end.

It is for this reason that we will provide party votes to a finite, limited number of candidates based purely on mathematics in the next election cycle. I am announcing the Congressional Activism Program or CAP which will handle this. Basically the program will work like this. if you wait until two days before the election to ask me for help, you're going to be on your own. Candidates will be given priority based on how active they are in the party and how much they assist us in one or more of a variety of ways throughout the month. If you are extremely interested in being elected in the Christmas congress next month, then contact me as soon as possible to get involved.

This seems like the only fair and logical way to do things and it will allow us to do better as a party in the future.

Your Humble Servant,
Pizza The Hut II
NCP Party President