Navigating this New New World

Day 962, 06:13 Published in Japan USA by Vai Siv

There are many great articles giving hints and tips for V2.0, I hope to add to the list.

Productivity has been the biggest factor in eRepublik, and in Rising, it’s no different. Productivity drives economies, the core of this game.

To see exactly what goes into Productivity, feel free to check out the official wiki: Productivity Formula

Some things to take note of:

Wellness and Happiness have the same exact weighting towards Productivity. This means it’s equally important to keep both as high as possible.

In V1.0, every time you worked, you gained skill and the higher your skill, the greater your productivity. In Rising, you still gain skill points in your profession; however, these skill points DO NOT directly affect your productivity. Instead, skill points are used to measure your level in a particular profession.

Productivity only looks at your Level in your profession. For example, a Guru (Level 9) takes 40,000 Skill points to reach. A Guru* (Level 10), takes 80,000 to reach. No matter if you have 40,000 skill points or 79,999 skill points, you are still only Level 9, and your productivity will remain constant throughout that entire level.

The affect of the new Productivity formula, and this new level based profession system, has a dramatic effect on decision making.

While you can continue to advance one single profession your entire eLife, it’s in my opinion that once you reach level 10, it becomes stupid to do so.

To illustrate my point better, here are the breakpoints for each level:

1… 0
2… 20
3… 100
4… 500
5… 2000
6… 5000
7… 10000
8… 20000
9… 40000
10.. 80000
11.. 160000
12.. 320000

As you can see, once you reach level 10, it takes another 80,000 skill points to advance to level 11. In that same time, you could most likely train an entire other profession to 7 or 8. (Note: You gain skill points faster as you gain levels, so going from level 10 to 11 would still be faster then going from 1 to 10)

My advice: Once you reach level 10, start training a second or third profession with your extra hours at the Library.

If you look at the Work page in the wiki you will see this sentence: “Your productivity is also affected by the number of hours you work.”

This seems to be in error. After several days of tests, I cannot form a concise conclusion. Any deviation in your production per hour seems to be a result of numbers being rounded.

For example, today I went through every Hour and noted my production results. Here are today’s results:

Work Hours 1-4 I would Produce 58.75 Units per Hour
Work Hours 5-9 I would Produce 59 Units per Hour
Work Hour 10 I would Produce 58 Units per Hour
Work Hour 11-12 I would Produce 59 Units per Hour.

Work Hours 1-4 are an AVERAGE of 58.75. Realistically, it’s 59+59+59+58 / 4 = 58.75.

The 58 comes in here and there due to the rounding of fractions.

I feel I should reiterate another good tip that was mentioned by Geno Garon in this article: Tricks of the Trade 1

To quote: “For instance, if you are below 90 Happiness, 'Entertaining' first at the Residential district gives you a happiness bonus with no health penalty, making it a MUST FIRST on your daily activities.” - End Quote.

Happiness is a much harder attribute to keep up when compared to wellness because you are losing around 12-20 points of it every day.

This is why there is the Residential District.

Unlike the use of Food or Housing, the Residential District acts like a Hospital and will boost your Happiness by an exact amount of points. You will typically ALWAYS be at a low Happiness in the beginning of your day, so you should definitely form the habit of going to the Residential District first if you want to maximize your training.

The Gold Sinks in game are not necessary for you to succeed. In fact, they are less needed then before. A common misconception was that this game would be an insane gold sink.

It’s not.

In V1.0, continuing to increase your military strength was the premiere thing to do. High strength individuals ruled the battlefield and determined the outcome of wars.

Not anymore.

Now we have the new level based system.

Like your Profession levels, it seems rather stupid to go beyond level 11 in any military profession. I say 11 here because there are a LOT of level 11s out there, and in fact, nobody is 12 … yet. If you get level 11, you will rarely ever face an opponent higher.

Here are the breakpoints for military levels:

1… 0
2… 40
3… 200
4… 1000
5… 4000
6… 10000
7… 20000
8… 40000
9… 80000
10.. 160000
11.. 320000
12.. 640000

Gold sinks are really only necessary if you intend to “catch up” to the more veteran players. If you are a new player, you can throw some gold down at the boosters and attempt to get to a level10 profession or level 11 military skill faster.

For the Veteran guys, if you are 10 & 11 already, it doesn’t make sense to use the boosters. You can save the gold, or use it for a Happiness booster every once in a while, or boost your productivity at your company. Though, really nobody will do that unless the owner of the company compensates them.

The real question now is: What DO we spend gold on? Like really…

People are going to have more gold. When this happens, expect prices to skyrocket.

Right now the economy is a freaking mess and people don’t know what anything is worth. I tell you, stuff is CHEAP right now. Especially Raw Materials. Expect things to turn around FAST. Especially once companies realize they’re selling their Raws for half what it costs to produce.

Raws are going to skyrocket which will make everything else more expensive… but another effect is that High Resource regions will be even more valuable. Wars over these regions will continue to be fierce.

Another point regarding Raw Material companies... now that every company is Q1 and products require more Raws, it will take only the dedicated to continue donating Raws to their Companies from wherever their Orgs are parked.

Most employers will choose to avoid this task if possible, which means Licenses will be much more important for RM companies.

Conclusion: Rising (stupid name btw) has come with some surprises, at least to me. If the company managers can survive without going crazy, it will definitely be a better game. I didn’t touch on it in this article really, but the truth is, the only real thing plaguing this new game is the fact running a company has become a nightmare. Many company owners are fed-up and leaving. If we can weather the storm, perhaps we’ll start having fun again.