Natural Friend vs Natural Enemy

Day 1,141, 00:11 Published in Romania Romania by Stefan G

Natural Friend , should be opposite from Natural Enemy.
Considering RL feelings and history , South-East and Central European Countries have a lot of reasons why they should stay together. And why not to stay.
We all were waiting the Americans to free us from Soviets , but we saw only the American airplanes bombing and destroying Yugoslavia, with some Hungarian help too.
Western European Countries are transforming us in Dominions.
At least , here , in our eLife we are Something , we are important.
I admit , my natural feelings are proSerbia maybe because Serbs are our historical friends RL or maybe because I originate from Banat.
Nowadays , the new tendency of the alliances brings the chance of rearranging political and military situation.
Of course is extremely difficult due to the game history.
But if in RL Serbs and Hungarians have lot of reasons to be enemies, and here , in the eLife they are allies , there are chances of conciliation.
For an alliance with Serbia we need to accept , most probably, Hungary and Serbs have to accept Croatia.
Are we, all of us, mature enough to accept these?
Are we mature enough to accept Logics?
I’ll go for a Serbian-Romanian +Greece+ Croatia+ Hungary and maybe Poland , generally Central and South European countries.

At least here, in our eLife we can prove that we are not puppets, that we are First Range Citizens of the World.