National Security Policy? What is that?

Day 479, 07:26 Published in USA USA by Alphamega3's

Yes I know...this is a game....nothing to do with real life....and for all those who think can ignore this, because I am about to bring some real world experience into the game.

While I was in the Army ( was after muskets were the chief weapon of the infantry) I did some research and development...and in doing so, you had to be aware of what was the National Security Policy for your area. What is a NSP? Basically it is the goals and priorities of the Nation in the area of security so everyone is working on the same sheet of music...huh...same map. Our expenditures had to support the National Security Policy which meant there was a constant tug of war of where resources would go, and all sides would try to use the NSP to their advantage.

WARNING: Below, I will apply real life lessons to eRep. For those who are RL challenged...please advert your eyes.

I accept that in this game, even if you are a pacifist country, you need to be able to wage war for a sustained period of time. The following should be the National Security Policy.

Reasons for going to war.
1) Self Defense or in Defense of An Ally
2) To obtain an high quality iron region (see below)
3) To prevent PTO in neighboring countries (to late for that, but it would have gone better if we already had plans)
4) In a well coordinated attack with Atlantis, but not to support unilateral aggression of an ally. (Oops, that means that we would not support our ally if they did what we just did, and the Atlantis treaty should reflect this attitude).
5) To obtain a training area, even though negotiation would be best.
6) The Military should develop plans for all the above.

Develop financial resources for sustained war.
1) Stockpile money, gold and weapons (tickets?) to fight a sustained war, but ONLY use these resources when absolutely necessary, NEVER depleting them so you have no ability to defend oneself.
2) When weapons prices jump during war, get rid of all weapons import and VAT taxes until market catches up.
3) Build hospitals more than DS, and put them in every state so we all do not have to move to Florida in order to maximize our ability to fight.

Develop Weapons Industry to Provide sufficient number of weapons at a reasonable price
1) Fight on a regular basis so the demand is constant. (Training wars)
2) Obtain high grade iron resource to maximize weapons production (see above).
3) Provide loans to weapons company start ups to encourage
4) Cut weapons industry income tax cut to encourage workers to work there.

Develop Lines of Communication...possibly have SADD write script so mass PM is possible.
1) President to JCS, VP, Congressional leadership and whoever else in the admin that should be in the info flow.
2) JCS to Marines, Soldiers, NG. This also could be by communication tree.
3) Press Secretary to Major Newspapers so public knows what to do.

This is off the top of my is time for me to go to bed. If you agree please VOTE and Subscribe!