National Media Prize

Day 1,063, 02:18 Published in South Korea Japan by MiraiCorp

Hello eSK,

Veritas Causidicus wrote an excellent article about the need to revitalise the national media a few days ago, as a corporation that has been operating in this country for a few months now, we think keeping this community active is important to you as well as it is important to us. So we are going to help him out a bit with his plead by establishing a weekly national media prize that aims to provide a little encouragement for more people to write better article in eSK.

There are no restrictions on your choice of topic, or language (although it will be good if you can provide an English translation), or the media you choose to use (e.g. text, image, graphics, video, etc...)

All entries can be posted under your own newspaper, or your org's newspaper (for non-eSK participants). The judging criteria will examine the originality of your article, creativity, and how much attention your article attracted within the local population.

Each week, we will announce the winner, and donate the prize of 1 gold equivalent of KRW to your citizen account (if you used your org, make sure you have your citizen name in your article. There are no restriction on how many times you can win.

Although 1 gold or 70 or so KRW may not seem to be a lot, but if this is successful, we may increase the prize in the future, so hopefully, this little encouragement will give you some incentive to make yourself heard in the national media.