Nathan Slater For DAL Party President

Day 1,149, 16:04 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Nathan Slater
Greetings eCanada

So its Party President elections again and it has been an interesting month.The top party in eCanada didnt preform in congress and seems to be crumbling away in both numbers and activity.This is not the case for DAL any longer.

Structure of DAL

Throughtout the last few months the Structure of DAL has been lost.I Hope to bring a structure that can be used for the coming months instead of being changed each time a new PP comes to the head of DAL.Each of the 4 directors that I will appoint will have a small team of there own and will work closely together to re-unite DAL to its once former glory.

Party President: Nathan Slater
Vice Party President :Relic10
Congressional Director : Nea Milosu
Media Director : Supabeasty
Recuitment Director:TBD
DAL Community Director : Crisfire

Recuitment and the Media
Its always a good place to start.As you will know the key to continued growth of any party no matter what the size. An active media campaign with a constant run of articals to kick things off that will be push the great aspects of DAL : in terms of the major expereince we have to offer , chairty&mentoring and soon to be Congress school. Recuitment will be of importance this term we need to re-establish ourselves as the top party in canada once more.Mass Pm's will be sent out to the members of DAL on a weekly basis to keep everyone informed about thats going on.

Congress Elections

After a poor turn out in the last congress elections its time to get tough.To make sure this is ensured I have placed the one of the most experienced members of DAL in charge ; Nea Milosu.Too many members Running for congress without actually making an effort to there campign or party , then expecting to get into congress without question.For congress elections its going to be a team effort there is no I in Party.There is strength in numbers and thats somthing we have and will be taking full advantage of.

A congress school will be implimented to continue the great line of congressmen we have passed through in DAL.We posess a lot of experience in this department and we will begin to take full advantage of this.I dont claim that everyone that passes through our congress school will automatically be awesome , but its a start in the right direction.This will be a joint effort from Nea Milosu & myself.

The DAL Community
The DAL communtiy will consist of 3 branches: Chairty,Mentoring and Congress School.While the 3 will be kept seperate they are linked in terms of the social aspects that each one brings.I'd like to create a small community that works for each other as a team to bring the best out of all of us, and the skills we each bring to the table.There can be no community without unity.


Chairty starts at home , but as a leading party in canada we should and will be looking towards the wider community.I'd like to continue with the work we currently do, but I dont believe there isnt enough awareness of our good work, its time we advertised it a little more. Its a great way to gain members and show them into our community.

Mentoring it a great way to keep new player interested and involved as well asa great way to gain members again bringing more to the community.This I would also like to provide to the wider parts of Canada not only just DAL.Mentoring will lead into Congress School if thats the path the new player wants to take.

Vote for Nathan Slater as DAL's next Party President