My thought after the battle of Prekmurje

Day 847, 11:36 Published in Croatia China by Xenon Ng

[To all subscribers: This article is published in eCroatia.]

(This newspaper is published in eChina and her allies to explore and report diplomacy and military issues in Asia.)

Hi all. I’m a congress member from eChina. First of all, I’m pound of all our eChinese citizens who come to eCroatia to participate in one of the most important battles and fight hard for our allies. We’ve shown our strong spirit. You may be surprised when you see the number of eChinese citizens participating in the battles of Styria and Prekmurje and their damage output.

Damage data of citizens of eChina

Battle of Styria (from eCroatia side)
-353782 damage,3939 fights,-89.8 d/f,531 fighters

Battle of Prekmurje (from eCroatia side)
-179763 damage,3071 fights,-58.5 d/f,629 fighters

We finally lost but I think every failure is a good opportunity to learn. I want to share my thoughts here.


2 Basic Questions

Question 1: Why were half of the leading EDEN countries still enjoying training war?

Some EDEN countries were still sleeping and dreaming of training war…

My good friend straine collects military orders around the eWorld and publish them on his newspaper Canary Post everyday. When I read it on Day 846, I found that the military order of eRomania and eSpain was joining training war. Training war between eMoldova and eRomania was still opened. eUSA and eGreece went to Southern Thailand to defense but it’s definitely much less important than the war of Prekmurje. It totally wasted the good planning of ePoland and eCroatia before.

eSlovenia got the support through her MPPs with several Phoenix countries. eHungary, which didn’t have MPP with eSlovenia, asked her citizens to go to eRussia to support eSlovenia via MPP.

What happen to the internal communication of EDEN? Is EDEN still a united alliance? Can EDEN countries work together more?

Question 2: Why did EDEN insist in allocating most damage to output at the time near the end of the battle?

Playing chess doesn’t depend on your own ability only. You need to observe the enemy’s action as well.

Most people know that the game server suffered from DDOS attack a few minutes just before the battle ended. It results that EDEN couldn’t output most damage near the end of the battle. Why didn’t EDEN consider the risk of DDOS attack? This is not the first time. Battle of Liaoning in February is a good example.

A successful strategy would fail if it has been used for many times. No matter how good your action is, enemy would think how to cope with your action. If your enemy thinks of a new action to cope with you, you need to think further action to cope with it. Competition would lead to Game Theory naturally. Apart from showing how good its own advantages, a successful competitor would consider the enemy’s feedback and prepare further action plan. Could we output the damage a bit earlier next time?


eChina government sent airborne soldiers to help allies for the first time.

This was a great opportunity to test our ability to send airborne soldiers to help our allies. Distributing large amount of weapons and moving tickets is never an easy job. I hereby salute to all eChina government officers who were responsible for distributing resources to support our allies!

It marks a tremendous step of eChina. We will try our best and continue to show our contribution in international issue in the future!