My Statement To Sue Arjay!

Day 748, 17:31 Published in USA USA by Dark Soldier

There is an official list of many reasons why he should be sue😛 [Officially stated by me, a dude somewhere trolling PHOENIX]

. Acting with treason of delaying the enlistment of regular service of arms to the US cause.

. Acting all up in my grill, YO! Also, being a snooty jerk who uses large words to express that he is smarter than the common people.

. Hating Jewish President

. Being a loyalist to Redcoats

. Being an dim witted, shallow, non-coherence, arrogant, ignorant, bastardizing, and danger to society.

. Having a name similar to Ajay. This is an infraction on the term of copyright hereby stated by US law. Also, he acts similar in all ways... NO EXCEPTION!

. Do I really have to tell?

The Purpose

The reason of why this case shall ensue is for the fate of the internal United States. With a war, we don't become liberals or conservatives, we become Americans. Those who falter and become the menace of society is those who alter that culture. I stand to serve the people in arms and at least, in their actions.

If you agree or disagree comment, I will sue him in term of your vote. If we win this, bless us, we'll be heroes.

Dark Soldier,
Man On The Battlefield,
Someone To Tell A Secret

I Wonder If It's Possible 🙂