My Sorrow: A 19th Regiment Special.

Day 929, 16:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 19th Regiment Royal Artillery
Sometimes when the 19th Regiment cries, great floods happen and everything on Earth dies.

Hello Gunners and gentlepeasants, today I bring you a tearful edition of">the Daily Shell. Yesterday, I was caught in possession of strength. Now I was just holding it for a friend, but none-the-less I was moved into the SAS- the official branch of kick-arsery. I was also moved into the infantry due to demand in the SAS, which means I can no longer lead the great 19th Regiment-the best in the army. I would like to thank all my Gunners for being so loyal and active. I would also like to thank the command, such as General Smack, who provided the prizes for the last regiment competition and who has been infinitely supportive of my crazy schemes, Major General Betafoxtrot, who supplied the prizes for today’s competition, and Brigadier Woldy, who provided the 19th with necessary amounts of Peter Sellers when we were low. Most of all I would like to thank my Major Radishhead (who is now Lieutenant Colonel Radishhead) for helping me get the regiment where it is today.

We now come to the judging of the competition (">to be found here). Thank you everyone who entered all entries where brilliant and I’ve had to provide masses of scrutiny to pick these winners out. All of these three winners will be receiving 1 gold each, but they will still be judged first, second and third for the purpose of entertainment.

In third place, with a brilliant reference to the fact that artillery pwns choppers and a lovely reference to everyone’s favourite regiment... Hans Von Hohenstaufen with this-

Congratulations Hans. One gold to you.

In second place with a brilliant entry that both belittles tanks (gay artillery) and bigs up artillery, looking cool all the while... TLawson2310 with this brilliant motivational poster-

Yeah, that awesomesauce will earn you one entire gold TLawson. Keep on rocking.

Now we interrupt the scheduled event to bring breaking news to anyone not in the army-">Join the motherflippin’ army!!!

Back to the listed program...

The coveted position of overall competition winner goes to someone who embodies the 19th Regiment in the moto: ‘We’ve got big guns’, which is accompanied by a humorous picture of a big gun. The winner is of course... C B Fry with this entertaining pici-

Well done C B. You get your gold and the kudos of being the best... at least until next time, mwauhahahahaha!

Let papa bear tell you a short story.

Though you may not perceive the 19th Regiment at times, it is always there. It is all knowing and all powerful. Everything is part of the 19th Regiment’s master plan, which is totally not just a !! written out by a stoned and semi-literate teenage Taiwanese prostitute. The 19th Regiment doesn’t need to check its naughty or nice lists because the 19th Regiment is competent and we have secretaries to do that for us anyway. If you’re bad the 19th Regiment will flop you up, unless we don’t. If you’re good the 19th Regiment will be all like, “yeah, well done dude.” Then they’ll impregnate your enemies, especially if they are men.
There was this one time where the 19th Regiment was held up in the street by a bloke with a knife and we said, “you call that a knife? This is a knife!” Then we pulled out a shark and beat the bloke up with our fists and framed the shark. Pwned. Don’t worry though, because the shark was a sex offender so he deserved it. The 19th Regiment makes justice happen, except when we can’t!
Another time, the 19th Regiment came across a wild Pope in the woods and he was all crazy and constipated so we fed him tonnes of laxative and that’s where the saying comes from. We also made all bears catholic, which is why every now and then a bear will maul a child. They’re just trying to molest them. They don’t mean any real harm.
Yesterday the 19th Regiment went and got an ice cream. We asked for a 99 with no flake, because we were strapped for cash after buying cats for the homeless to eat, but we got two flakes and we didn’t have to pay extra because we were so polite!
The 19th Regiment once fed a lion to itself in the name of science, or in the name of lolz. One or t’other.
The 19th Regiment agrees that the moral of this story should be obvious to you and if you can’t find it you’re quite simply insane in the membrane.

Saying his final farewells,
Lieutenant Colonel Andalas.