My sincere apologies []

Day 321, 22:56 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci
I wrote this article to express my sincere apologies in front of eRepublik Team and off-course in front of entire eRepublik Community. I have to write it because I made a mistake and I have to pay the price for it.

I don’t know if all you notice or just some of you , but yesterday 6 of my SO were permanently banned and this article and apologize come as an explanation for this.

But to be able to say this story I need to go back in time for a little while. I met [a url=]ovidiu_1[/a] in a [a url=]FTR[/a] chat, around 1 month ago when Romania – Hungary war was not on hold. In that day he invited me in his adoptive country Thailand where he offer a full inventory of gifts Q2 from his SO that I use for our soldiers and 2 moving ticket. With this point we started to become “eFriends” and in time we became shareholders on “Renaissance War Network” a Q1 Weapon Company in Thailand.

At that point, things were all right , we spoke several time about the company , I use it a lot of times for buying gifts from that market for my Church or for Iasi Mayor Hall.

But this entire thing changed yesterday when he asked me to give him some of my SO accounts to buy gold from them. I was in hurry and I trusted him, so I quickly changed the pass of 6 of my SO and gave them to him. First time I believed that he will buy Gold from them directly and I will have time to change the pass again. I wanted to give him one account on the time , but because I was in a hurry and because he told me he will buy gold not on the moment but in some hours , and he assured me all is ok and fine I gave him first account. After a short conversation, I decide to go on trust and friendship and I gave him the other five After that I exit and went on my way.

This morning when I enter again on game, I wanted to enter on SOs to change the pass … then it strike me “this account is permanently banned”. First I was confused… but as soon I check all of them.... I realized…something was wrong. All 6 SOs I gave to him was banned , but in the same time the rest of my SO [ including eRomanian Church , Renaissance Company, ePariuri aren’t.] so I understand the problem is not from me. I check immediately his name … he wasn’t appear on search, so wasn’t hard for me to see he was ban too , and after I see that [a url=]Renaissance Thailand[/a] and [a url=]likaz[/a] [ 2 so in Thailand where he bought gold until he asked for my account ] was ban too … I understand.

He didn’t just buy gold … because this wasn’t a bad thing... he simple betray my trust on him and use our friendship to do it. He didn’t break just a eRepublik rule... He broke an international rule … he buy gold, this is a fact … but he bought with a stolen credit card. [Is the only explication I think off]

Now this entire thing is a bad story, a nightmare. I’m not upset because I lose my SO, I’m not upset because I lose my company from them, I’m only upset because I was use, and because I was dumb enough to give him SO that wasn’t entirely mine, and I’m also upset because on Military Academy I didn’t finish the graduation and now will be hard to do it without remaking it. But in the end, all bad thing have one positive thing … I learned my lesson and I’m happy because my most precious projects are still alive. I thank myself for not give him this accounts to.

All this story suppose to be a message to all citizen from eRepublik . think twice until you make a move , you never know what might happen. I find out this on hard path and I just pay a part of my debt for my mistake, don’t fallow on this road … try another one, much better.

List of my SO account that were banned :
- [a url=]Renaissance Thailand[/a] [ [a url=]Q1 Weapons[/a] ]
- [a url=]Renaissance Broker[/a]
- [a url=]Renaissance Exchange[/a] [ [a url=]Q1 House[/a] ] [ My apologize to Astromaniac. Because my mistake our account is now dead ]
- [a url=]Regimentul VI Stefan Cel Mare[/a]
- [a url=]Academia Militara Iasi[/a] [ My apologize to all cadets from Academy, because I didn’t find the time in the past to finish the graduation class and now I can’t ]
- [a url=]Uniunea Crestin Democrata[/a] [ My apologize for all UCD Party Member for this ]
- And on other So , that I should not even enter myself. [ My apologize for all involved in this project ]

I finish like I started : I write this article to express my sincere apologies in front of eRepublik Team and off-course in front of entire eRepublik Community. I have to write it because I made a mistake and I have to pay the price for it.

With deep regrets, yours sincerely OchiReci

Excuse me for all the grammar errors; I had a though week in RL life and I didn't see this coming!