My Response To ATLANTIS' Demands

Day 467, 20:13 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson
---Letter From The Editor---

I, Hari Michaelson, a free citizen of the state of eTexas of the eUSA, do hereby refuse to accept ATLANTIS' demands for payment in any way, shape, or form.

I refuse to allow prejudice and hyposcrisy to shape the manner in which my nation handles its foreign policy, its treasury, or its future.

In September of 1835 a dispatchment of Mexican soliders was sent to the town of Gonzales in order to commandeer a cannon held by settlers, in an attempt to disarm potential rebels.

The settlers refused to surrender the cannon, and instead issued a challenge to the soliders.

Here and now I as an eTexan issue that same challenge to any and all citizens of the ATLANTIS alliance who support the demand for the eUSA to pay a sum of GOLD to the ATLANTIS membernations.

Come and Take it.

- Editor-on-the-Edge
Hari Michaelson