My resignation as Vice President

Day 478, 16:01 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe
I am resigning as Vice President.

Frankly, all this BS is stressing me out and it makes the game suck. The President has made mistakes, huge mistakes but that's all I'm going to say about it. In fact, I want to thank Uncle Sam for picking me out of no-where and allowing me to get into the inner workings of our Country. If it wasn't for him a lot of you would not even know who the hell I am.

Those people that know me best, know me to be a civil dude. The lack of that is why I've had enough. I've been playing this game for 5 months and the last month and a half have been quite a chore for me. The fun has been zapped out of the game. Politics are no fun for me, I have never even been a Congressman and I don't desire to be one. Vice President is nothing but a ceremonial title in game, and I get nothing out of it except guilt by association, and a freaking headache.

I'll be around, I will be focusing on my tasks for the Marine Corp. At least those crazy fuckers know how to enjoy the GAME. Lol. I also intend to return to writing articles on my terms. Last thing I will say is I still support the President, I sincerely hope America doesn't plan to impeach in the middle of a war.

Take care you all, I pray this country finds its bearings.

Joe DaSmoe,
Lt, 1st Recon unit 3
Proud American

Btw, be sure to read up on this article from my fellow Marine, Suko. Excellent article here.