My Platform for SFP

Day 1,330, 15:20 Published in USA Ireland by Flying Trotsky

Comrades, I know your time is valuable- you have to be off fighting in the people's struggle, and complaining about things that happened ages ago, and writing "pertamaxxx" on pretty much everything (seriously, why won't anyone tell me what that means?). So comrades, I'll get right to it.

Here's what I'd like to achieve as leader of the Socialist Freedom Party:

I. The Establishment Of A Leftist International
Essentially what this means is that I'd like to work towards the alliances of leftist parties around the world, so that we might mutually struggle against imperialism, authoritarianism, and fascism. So long as we're divided, we're never going to achieve peace- only through mutual struggle can we do succeed.

II. The Establishment Of Real Policies
When I was first deciding on which party I should join, I wasn't able to find any major differences in policy. One party claimed to be center-left, and one claimed to be authoritarian-right, but the only real difference between the two groups was which nation they wanted to invade. If elected, I intend to ensure that the SFP has distinct and clear economic, diplomatic, and social goals.

III. No To Being Invaded, No To Being The Invaders
The SFP will push for alliances only with leftist nations. The SFP will support only wars of national defense, and will never support the occupation of a foreign country by the eUS. The SFP will support any and all wars of resistance and national sovereignty.

IV. Increasing Membership, Increasing Political Power
Through the establishment of clear goals, the SFP will become a distinct political party, and attract not only new players, but players tired of parties without any real direction.

Comrades, long live the struggle, and long live a Free America!