MY Opinion on the Public Discussion

Day 426, 10:15 Published in United Kingdom Philippines by HazzN

It seems to be the fashionable thing to publish long rants about forum discussions in eRepublik Newspapers at the moment, so I thought I might get in on the fun.

1. I don't care one way or another if the HoL is reformed.
2. It doesn't matter what I think about the HoL reform, because once the proposal is made, West Midlands will be given the chance to debate the subject and vote on it. I shall vote in HoC based on the out come of that discussion.

What is really grinding my gears however, is the way this discussion has taken place. It has been aggressive. It has involved about about 2 pages of debate and 16 pages of flame wars and personal attacks. This is not productive. This is not good for our nation.

The Public Discussion forum was created to allow the Public (as in regular citizens of eUK) to have their say on the proposals that will eventually go through Commons. Everyones opinions are supposed to matter. Every voice is supposed to be heard. That is the whole point.

However, this is not occurring.

What I have seen is:
1. Citizens being told their opinions don't count because they aren't experienced enough.
2. The experienced citizens, who we are supposed to trust to make choices for us, acting like 5 year olds who have had their favourite toy confiscated.
3. Citizens, too scared and intimidated by the discussions to say anything.

This is not beneficial. This sort of behaviour will lead to an end of democracy. If you really wish to be patriotic, the flame wars must end. It is possible to debate politics without getting personal or nasty. The forum used to be a nice place to go for a good discussion. It isn't any more. It makes me sad.