My Last Days

Day 475, 09:56 Published in Canada Canada by Vantica

Greetings my fellow Canadians. Although most of you do not know me, I have been in this world from pretty close to the beginning. During this time I have voiced my opinion a few times and fought in one of the first wars, but otherwise just kept to myself and worked quietly.....increasing my skills. Over these last several months my health has gone downhill.....I have been unable to work more and more. I finally left my last position and I've been bed ridden since, not able to do much more then watching the sun rise and set. The doctor says I do not have a lot of time left.

This troubles me in many ways, one of which is I do not have a heir. I've been pondering this problem for some time. Then I thought, why not start a lottery of sorts, and the money can go to some lucky Canadian?

I have quite a bit of gold and CAD sitting here. I will leave the full amount secret, but I will say it's over 20 gold and over 500 CAD. Quite a bit actually.

Edit: Added into this is my Q3 house, and my 4 guns. (3xQ4, and 1xQ3)

In order to participate in this contest each entry will cost 10 CAD. Donate the amount to me, and you will be entered. All this extra money will also go to the winner!!!

The winner will be drawn with some random generator of my choice when the time comes. The time will be just before I'm about to expire. I will post updates as we go along as well.


PS - Please do not try to help heal me. The doctor says it would just be temporary and I do not want to draw my pain out longer. Not to mention it would then take that much longer for the contest to be over.

PPS - Edited to add only citizens can enter. If you wish to give the winnings to your organization after the fact, go right ahead of course.

PPPS - Edited again to add that each citizen can enter up to five times only. That way it evens the playing ground a bit.