My first interview with Asmitatheone !

Day 1,692, 03:38 Published in India India by guessit

Hello, my fellow E-Readers !! This is my first article and I hope you enjoy it ! It is my first interview with Asmitatheone !

Hello, Asmita ! You joined this game on 20th Feb 2011, how did you get to know of this game?

I was referred by a friend from another game. He is Playa. A eUsa citizen. The bugger is still earning Gold from me, but doesn't say Hi anymore!!! 🙁 Nonetheless, I love him.

How did you feel during your first month?

I got on to the IRC real early. So my initial days were not so boring. Made some good friends and got some good mentors. First mentor assigned to me was Calvinhobbes, but Miles247 answered my questions as Calvin wasnt around. Then Anujjain helped and gave me a push. I made some excellent frnds like Navin, Prabal, HSR and some others. I got my voice the very first day(Prabal was jealous of it) hahaha.... I always had the zeal to learn the game so I found it fun. What I really appreciate is the respect and love I recieved from Day 1. Everyone helped, and I recieved a lot of respect. For ever thankful for it.

You got your voice on your first day ?!? Wow, that's truly wonderful ! *jealousy brimming* 'ahem'
So, next question Was there any inspiration? If yes, who or what inspired you?

Well the zeal to excel in the game was the first inspiration. The feeling of patriotism was also there too some extent. I remember being quite disappointed that we are frnds with Pakistan(Under Mavo we were for a while). But I guess one of the biggest Inspiration was the respect I got in the community from Day 1. Since I got the help, love and respect, I fought to make sure to prove myself worthy of it. And honestly, I am still humbled by the respect I still get from oldies as well as the newbies. Touched!

Voila ! That's some great inspiration to have ! And the inspiration's led you to become the first female CP ! Congratulations !
What was the most exciting moment of your eLife? (Other than when you became the CP)

Well technically I was never the CP. Well you can say I took care of the regular duties and made sure the eCountry moved on. For all practical sense during the period the country was run by the senior players who are active on IRC. Everyone chipped in. Alector, Abhinay, Pheenic, Kismu to name a few. The new ones also helped. It was fun handling it.
There were a couple of exciting moments. There was a point wherein was going to quit over a sore point between miles and anujjain and I was a super drama queen! There was my first VP posting which was also exciting. The current stint of back2back VP post is also sool. There was the first BH medal for eIndia also quite good. But the best so far was the stint as VP under Ananth(LordBernin Now) when we were at war with Pakistan. I was involved in the negotiations. It all ended with us being wiped out and then back on the map. But the experience was wonderful!! It was a new step and exciting one. Ahsaan and I enjoyed the dance of words, hated Raao's hard headed approach!! Overall it was exciting

How well do you think the newbies are co-operating? Is it fun to have them around? Or is it more of a burden?

Newbies are the heart of this game. the flow of newbies are low in India, but they keep coming. Of them a few are very active. People like Xordin, Arminder and Goutham of the present lot are awesome. others like Nikhil, Viresh and others are very eager to learn. They are never a burden. Some of them are good fun like xordin, others are eager to work for eIndia. Over all I say, present eIndia is being run mostly by these guys!
Its super fun to have then around.

Hehe...… I am proud to be a Newbie 😛 and last but not the least, What is the secret of your success?

Well there is no secret. I think its the ppl of eIndia who made me feel wanted and gave me the respect that made me want to do something for them and game as well. personally i dont think i have gained any success. let me get to about 20k str and god of war rank, maybe then it wud be success..... hahahaha

Hahha ! Thanks for spending your precious time with me Asmita ! Good luck on your God of War and 20K strength ! May eIndia progress ! Jai Hind !