My first days, Tanks for Danes?

Day 2,208, 08:17 Published in Denmark Denmark by Zacharia Raven

Good day, eDenmark!

I have been in eDenmark soon 2 weeks, and slowly been getting the hang of it. I have been getting to know the government and other actives in IRC and by reading the forum. Slowly I have also started my contribution for eDenmark.

This far we have been renewing some sheets with my friend, None. Our goal has been to make things easier for the President and Government, and results seem good.

Tanks for Danes?

Currently we use CO's in our battles, which is nice, but is bit unfair and lacks the optimal economic value for eDenmark.

I wanted to suggest that when Government publishes a battle order, they would include tank distribution for commenters with Danish CS. Tanks cost the same for all hitters, but strong hitters do more damage with them. Unlike with CO's where strong ones also gain more, and low strenght people might not even get their tank money back.

EDIT: Thanks to Citizen Mu, we have now 200 tanks with which we can test the article distribution hopefully in the near future!

Your opinion?

The forum is bit quiet, so I'd like to hear what people in the game think about this. Would you come and get tanks from article, if it only requires commenting? Should there also be food?


I am honored to be part of eDenmarks government this month. As Ilphen stated, I will be working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Libertas33. When Ilphen gets his gear straight, we will start operating with full strenght 🙂

That's it. Please, leave your comment about the article distribution!

Tanks or No tanks?