My Endorsement for ANA PP

Day 693, 17:12 Published in South Africa South Africa by Exilious

It is with great regret to inform my readers that due to the circumstances of the upcoming race, I have removed my name from list of PP candidates.

This is not about giving up or surrendering. This is about ensuring democracy in the ANA and preventing another rise of Ajay Bruno.

After much discussion with party members, it is with best interest in the party if everyone gives their support to Stormclouds. Anyone else still assuming candidacy should step down as well so that the party may unite fully to defeat the threat of Ajay Bruno.

Perhaps I will run some other month, perhaps not. I will continue to support the ANA in whatever the people of this great party decide. I will take the next month to work on my obvious outspokeness as well as spend time with my new wife Grainne Ni Mhaille.

I look forward to working with Party President Stormclouds in his upcoming term.

Proud eSA Citizen and ANA Member