My Congress Manifesto - Niall H for Shannon (with pictures)

Day 672, 16:29 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator
Hello im Niall H, you may know me from Saoirse or from my newspaper article (the ones with cool animations). Im running for congress in Shannon and this is my manifesto. Before i start i need to get things straight. Despite common beleif i am not a illegal immigrant, here is my id to prove it...

Now onto congress

Duties of Congress Members

* Voting on proposals proposed by the president.
* Propose laws
Some countries have a slightly more advanced system where Congress Members can register at forums to discuss and decide on a lot more things than just sitting and voting on proposals. - Quote eRep Wiki

As this shows congress members do alot more than you think. Even some of the people who run do not realise. Being a previous congress member i know about all the work that goes on behind the public eye, such as saving our fair isle with careful deplomacy. Unlike other congress members i will not moan about the work load saying "I do everything," i will knuckle down and put in 100% to make sure eIreland is pleasant and lawful.

Vote for Niall, I will be your eAngel protecting you from harms way

What have i done for eIreland?

- Recently organised and carried out a Inter Party Council
- Been a congressman many times (on Niall-H)
- Been a Commanding Officer of IDF Division 8
- Become a mentorer, my current pupil, buddysilver is running for congress in Cork and Kerry with a little of my help vote for him too.

What I Have Done For Saoirse

- I have helped create Saoirse's predecessor, An Pairti Saoir
- I have helped found Saoirse with clownprince39
- I have been Vice President for 2 adjacent terms
- I have created animations (some of the first in eRepublic) and images for saoirse
- I have helped write wiki pages and many recruitment articles
- I have helped get us into the top 5 partys.

In conclusion, i feel that i have the qualifications but most importantly the committment to be a congressman. I will not make any outlandish promises like other candidates apart from giver 100% and putting anything i think is feasible forward. By voting for me you are helping to make sure that eIreland will not turn into turmoil as i am a safe politician and i have a sense of humour.

A vote for Niall H is a vote for you.

Thank you for Reading,

Niall H

Time for some poses 😉