My Congress Election Manifesto

Day 671, 06:07 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin

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The time is right for me to take my ideas and vision to Congress. Many citizens have asked me to serve and I now submit to that request.

There are several reasons why I have chosen to stand in Kyushu; Firstly it is the place I was eBorn and it holds a special place in my heart, secondly it is where many of my supporters already live and thirdly because it is a region in need of a defender right now who will stand up in Congress and fight for Kyushu.

Kyushu is by far the most beautiful and spiritual of the Japanese Home Islands and it's people amongst our most industrious and heroic. Heroic is no exaggeration when it comes to describing the courage of the brave citizens of Kyushu when they were forced to endure occupation of their very homes by foreign forces recently.

As part of my 'Kyushu First' manifesto I pledge to do all within my power to not only promote Kyushu as the best place in eJapan to live, work and invest but I will also thwart each and every attempt by the splittists within eJapan to sell Kyushu for 30 pieces of silver to our eIndonesian 'allies' for them to use as a launchpad to re-invade the eUSA. NEVER AGAIN I say.

Unlike others who make vague allusions to what they might do I am putting my name to three specific pledges that I will endeavour to carry out if I am chosen by the people of Kyushu:

1) I will increase the population of Kyushu by at least 15% from it's current total of 137. This will provide more workers, consumers and defenders.

2) I will lobby in Congress for a Q5 Defence System to be placed in Kyushu to discourage foreign aggression and help stop any attacks. In order to help the Government afford such a commitment I have used my own personal Gold to set up The Bank of Kyushu ORG that I will use to raise funds to help pay for the Q5 DS. If elected my first act will be to donate the 5 gold I get with the Congress medal to the BoK and I ask the other candidates in Kyushu to pledge the same.

3) I will oppose any notion of ever surrendering Kyushu to a foreign aggressor without a fight. I will oppose the splittists in the media, in the forum and anywhere else I hear their traitorous voices. If invasion does come it won't be unopposed!

People of Kyushu, make your voices heard in Congress.

VOTE no1kevlin

.EDIT: For those concerned about the cost of a Q5 DS I now have a partner willing to supply one to us for only 200GC