My Bid for Country President : Introductory Article

Day 739, 03:44 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

"A President is an elected leader that should embody “the spirit of the nation” for the nation itself and the world." - eRepublik Wiki

This definition of a president come straight from the eRepublik wiki. It shows that become president isn't about the material powers you gain, its about striving for the best. The role, entails that you embody "the spirit of the nation" which means he/she is one with the people of it.

I feel i fit this role. I am not necessarily the candidate with the most experience, skills or notoriety within Ireland but i definitely have the commitment to fulfill this job.

My servitude to Ireland

“In order to become the master, the politician poses as the servant.” - Charles de Gaulle

I will become a servant to the people of Ireland if i get elected, it not just a case of getting a medal and 5G, its more of trying to better eIreland in any way i can. The gold and medal means little to me as i already have another gold and a medal is like it says, just a medal. I want to shape Ireland to best it can be, this doesn't mean i will only listen to my views, your voice counts.

Learning from my mistakes

"Its human nature to make mistakes, its whether you learn from them that counts." - Unknown

I will admit i have made mistakes in my ePast which included getting banned. This could be seen as a means to not vote me but i see otherwise. Making mistakes is a fact of life, i doubt anyone here can not say they have not made any and suffered the consequences. The real problem is whether you learn from your mistakes and use them to better yourself. It sometimes takes a mistake for someone to rise up to the occasion.

What i have done

- Current Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Founded the political party Saoirse
- Current Party President of Saoirse
- Ex Commanding Officer and Chief of Guard in the IDF
- Got one of Ireland's first International Articles
- 2 time congressman
- 2 time hardworker
- 1 time supersoldier

The changes i plan to make

This is my introductory article to my bid for presidency. I will entail all the plans i have drawn up in my next article for you all. As in one article all this would be too much to take in. My further releases will include: Government plans, Government Ministries and Changes, and also a question time.

Niall H for Country President

Vote Niall, YOUR voice for the Emerald Isle

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico