My apologize because I fail

Day 479, 22:15 Published in Australia Romania by OchiReci
I need to wrote this article to express my regrets regarding the RW I started in Western Australia. I`m sorry because I wasn't able to liberate this region that belong to you, people of Australia.

I hope that soon or in future to come back and try again or to come back and fight for your side in the fair war and with the fair intentions.

People of Australia, I salute you, I thank you for your support and I express my regrets because the liberation fail. Hope to see all of you soon but I also hope that next time we will be much powerful in numbers and damage and we will win.

I can say I feel alive among you and that will be a pleasure to return in future in your lovely country. But until that happen I wish you All the best and I hope you will never stop dreaming the freedom you deserve because one day it will not be a dream.

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