Multicorporate Enterprise for Lease

Day 779, 15:52 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Mint

Are you a diligent worker, a communicative citizen and a keen manager?
Do you have experience in running a company?
Do you want to get your hands on something bigger but cannot invest a few hundred gold?

If yes, you might be interested in answering this tender:

Lease my multicorporate enterprise!

The enterprise consists of 6 companies, each of them operating at profit:

1. Q2 iron, Spain + 2 export countries
2. Q3 iron, Peru + 3 export countries
3. Q1 weapons, Uruguay + 3 export countries
4. Q2 wood, USA + 5 export countries
5. Q2 houses, Thailand + 3 export countries
6. Q1 tickets, Thailand + 6 export countries

Lease conditions:

* You will receive the passwords of 3 organizations containing these companies.
* The companies will be handed over fully operative (staffed and stocked including working capital) and shall be returned in the same condition (unless agreed otherwise in writing) together with the organizations .
* Lease duration is from 3 to 6 months (you can choose).
* The rent is to be paid daily and in gold.
* If you fail to pay the rent once per month, you simply pay it together with next day's rent. If you fail to pay it twice or thrice per month, you pay the double amount together with next day's rent (for the second and third occurrence). If you fail to pay the rent a fourth time within one month, you pay a fine of 20 gold, and the lease contract will be terminated instantly.
* Advance payments are allowed.
* Company upgrades or purchasing additional export licenses are allowed. However, these improvements become my property upon return of the enterprise. Unless agreed otherwise in writing, I do not pay for such improvements.
* You shall abide by the eRepublik laws.
* A contract containing all these conditions and more details, e. g. on the current value of the stocks and the working capital, must be signed.

Tender rules:

* Only bids from real citizens are accepted (no organizations, no multi accounts).
* Bids must be sent via PM to Canadian Mint until January 25th, 2010.
* The decision will be made before end of January, 2010.
* There is no obligation to accept one of the bids.
* Bidders need to submit a quotation for the daily rent (in gold) along with a brief description of their management experience.
* I will divide the quotation by a risk factor. I will calculate this risk factor taking into account
1. the number of your hard worker medals,
2. your description and evidence of your management experience,
3. your answer to the following test question.

Test question:
If you have 11 employees but need only 10, you will
a) leave it as it is
b) fire a dead worker
c) fire the most expensive worker
d) cancel all planned salary rises and wait for someone to resign
e) (specify your personal answer)