Mr. NFRonny goes to Brussels - Part 8

Day 1,296, 08:19 Published in Belgium Belgium by NicknameFromRonny


Foreign news

Venezuelan fighter in rest before crowning the Belgians for their help. One day, Glorious Empress, I’ll search for a lad, but not yet.

As I mentioned to you in my last edition, is the Training War between our ally Venezuela and the Portuguese going the wrong way. In a close call, the Venezuelans also took Alentejo, so now they are doing everything to lose the fight for Lisboa. At the same time, there is a RW to get Alentejo back in Portuguese hands. As mentioned by our MoD, please try to keep your damage small in the battle for Lisboa.
At this very moment, we do not see a battle for Hungary yet, but they are about to be attacked by the French. A bold action by our southern neighbours, since they are under ONE hell of a fire after the Polish attack on Lorraine. In the meanwhile are the Hungarians committed in battle with the Germans. Fritz is attempting to get back on the map but the Resistance War in Bavaria is getting won by Hungary at the moment.

European war update:
* After taking Apulia, Macedonia has attacked the Croatian mainland. The battle for South Dalmatia is running in their advantage.
* That does not mean that Apulia is back to being sleepy and peaceful. The Italians choose the region to RW the Macedonians.
* Greece is losing battle after battle against Macedonia and opened a RW against them in the region Macedonia just a few minutes ago. A symbolic battleground for both.
* Bosnia and Herzegovina attempts to take a second region in an RW against Serbia.
* Spain is still the winning side in their fight against the US, next victim: Wisconsin.
* Turkey is receiving a full EDEN/Terra treatment at this very moment. Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are RWing to scale down the Turkish empire, but they are withholding the pressure. They even found time to compete over the last Russian region, Far Eastern Russia. The fight for Vladivostok is 6 against three at this moment.
* Bulgaria took up the glove against Turkey as well and they are losing as well.
* Norway is one of those less remarkable nations in Europa, but they are the new victim of Estonia. The battle for Nord-Norge is in full fire.
* Sweden is having a walk through Canada, but due to Scotland getting back in Brittish hands, there is no connection between their capital and their new colonies.
* Which brings me to the last battle scene in Europe, the Irish-British feud is now back in the advantage of the Union Jack, and they are hitting it in Shannon.

My view: ONE is heading for the west. Germany is down, France, Canada and the US are under fire. How long can Terra stand, while Russia is in trouble as well?

The ministry of Foreign Affairs

Quatro cervezas por favor for our new SSoFA!

As some might have noticed, my review of the new government still missed one spot. This person is the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. MoFA Fhaemita Malodorous has appointed Juan Cruz, long time ambassador in the Spanishspeaking nation, who now gets the chance to step up. Although looked upon with distrust during his first steps in our nation, this RL Argentinean has proved a valuable eBelgian.


The MoFA department also made an interesting statement in which Fhaemita explains his views on “active neutrality”. It is, I quote, “walk[ing] the fine line between countries and alliances and tak[ing] MPP with all or both sides and try[ing] to be friendly with everybody and all alliances”.

My view: A correct statement and I support this view on Belgians spot in the geopolitical field. At all costs we must avoid the be a small piece in a massive alliancewar, but we should avoid boredom and disinterest. His open hand towards France, Germany and the US might not go unnoticed, although I wonder what he has to offer to our West-European neighbours, who are caught in the Polish-Hungarian war machine. Do I see an MPP with the US here?


The last foreign shenanigans are a message by the beloved Temujin94. Thou this fellow left our cosy nation for the Brits, he still is a welcome guest in our neighbourhood. The MoFA from the Brits declared him Special Envoy to Belgium, whatever this may hold. He has send us a message of peace and expressed the hope for a better relationship, using this beautiful play of words “Lets keep the “Channel” between our two nations open!”

My view: I have no doubts on the honesty of Temujin and his mission (I wouldn’t dare otherwise from a Mongol warrior) but as mentioned, such a thing might ask for deeds as well. The opinions are a bit double. The large majority has hopes for a better relationship while some are more critical. Only time will show which way it will goes. The MoFA showed his positive view on it, hailing the comments section.


Last but not least, a balloon was let up by Congressmen Elynea, who wondered about a Belgian NE. For our logical partner, eNL, there is something pink in the way and the other options seem out of order as well. eUK is brought up by shadowukcs, but it would need a massive migration and naturalisation of British soldiers. Temujin94 did invite to take a look into it with the Brits.

My view: The risk of a PTO is not worth the 10% extra damage. Don’t go there, dear government!


This unrelated picture is quite unrelated.

The congress is left Thomasless and only holds 28 persons at this moment. ThomasRED left us for military reasons while TouchdownThomas went back to his home nation the Philippines.

My view: Losing two experienced players is always a pity, but both have (different but) good reasons for it. It’s a pity Touchdown didn’t finish his term, but who can stop the heart from that crazy mouse?

The FUBAR currency

Is it a money shark that hurts our economy?

Yesterday, our Belgian Frank took one step closer to hitting rock bottom. This by reaching the value of 0.002 Gold. The other way around, the view is even more terrible with a highest offer of 950 BEF for one lousy piece of Gold.
To show you how our economy is standing, these figures. I compared a few things with the following nations: Netherlands (in the same trouble as us), Ireland (also small but at war), UK (once again bigger and warring), Hungary (our MPP) and Poland. Although, the first goldnumbers are still largely in our advantage, since the BEFtoGoldprice is terrible. Even NLG is still at 880. So the second G on the wages is counted with the selling price of BEF.

Highest wage for a lvl 12 worker:
Belgium: 89.5 BEF > 0.179 G > 0.0942 G
Netherlands: 58 NLG > 0.116 G > 0.065 G
Irelan😛 67 IBP > 0.134 G > 0.0788 G
UK: 93 GBP > 0.168 G > 0.1302 G
Hungary: 56 HUN > 0.168 G > 0.1396 G
Polan😛 46 POL > 0.184 G > 0.1329 G

Price for a Q2 meal:
Belgium: 1,67 BEF > 0.00334 G
Netherlands: 1,60 NLG > 0.0032 G
Irelan😛 1.58 IBP > 0.00316 G
UK: 1.58 GBP > 0.00316 G
Hungary: 0.62 HUF > 0.00186 G
Polan😛 0.47 PLN > 0.00188 G

Price for a tank:
Belgium: 35 BEF > 0.07 G
Netherlands: 55 NLG > 0.11 G
Irelan😛 38 IBP > 0.076 G
UK: 37.5 GBP > 0.075 G
Hungary: 18.5 HUF > 0.0555 G
Polan😛 13.59 > 0.05436 G

As you can see, our “real wages” are not that bad as we look among the other nations who don’t have massive loads of territory. The only thing that really hurts us is the terribly high rate on BEFtoGold.
The question that stands is, what can we do about it? Should the government assure a certain barrier or should they let the free market have their play? The gap between the two exchange routes opens the hole for the black market.

My view: Some attention of the Belgian government, not to increase our BEFs value (impossible) but to at least not slip it into 0.001 might be needed in a not-so-distant future...

Friendly greetings,
Your moose in Congress!

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