MoSD Article: Some Fun, How to Fight and a Second Broadcast

Day 1,060, 09:08 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Social Affairs

Some Fun, How to Fight and a Second Broadcast

- Message from the MoSD
- Some Fun
- How To Fight
- Our second Broadcast

A Message from the MoSD

I firstly wish to start by saying that this article was meant to be posted yesterday but due to real life cicumstance I was unable to. It means that what is spoken in our second Broadcast is not up to date, but look out for our next which will contain the latest information.
I would also like prior to you reading their work, Joseph Rich and Damien Wolf for putting together the next two features respectivly. Damien Wolf also has another article lined up for me to post and I would like to that his hard work, effort and dedication to our country. Thank you.

Some Fun

Hello eSouth Africa,

What do you expect this month from the Department Of Fun? We have a new Director-Joseph Rich who is rearing to go! This month I have planned a few competitions for us all I hope you enjoy them!

This term we have (Drum roll...) Code Dazzlers and Find Your Person! For Code Dazzlers, you will find a code at the bottom of an article from this org or you can register at the eSA forums ( and look at Joseph Rich’s signature for clues about the Code you found. After you have figured out the code pass it on to Joseph Rich via In-game PM for your chance to win a holiday to New Zealand!

Find Your Person is about navigating your way through eRepublik and is most preferred that only citizens new to eRepublik take this test. You have to answer/complete 5 main questions-

1-What is an event that is happening today?
2-Find citizen ‘Grimstone’ and post the link of his profile in a PM
3-Work at your company and give the URL in a PM
4-What is a top article in eSA at the moment?
5-What is one of the current ads being displayed?

Well that’s it from the Dept. Of Fun!
Remember To join the eSA Forums!


Good Luck! (Joseph Rich)

How To Fight

eRepublik is a war driven game, theres no denying that. So it is of vital importance that every citizen knows how to fight and how to fight at their maximum potential. This guide will explain the new war module and give you hints on how to make the most of it.

Selecting a Fight

The Selection of the fight is a very important step in fighting for your country. The Department of Defense will publish articles : Click Here

You MUST check the orders before jumping into a fight.

This is what the new war module looks like.

Terms you'll want to know:

1.Mini Battles: If you want to win a battle in the new war module you will have to win 8 mini battles, these victories are shown by coloured crowns under the flag of each country. The country that wins 8 battles first wins. This could take anywhere between 16-30 hours. To win a mini battle you should have more than 50% influence at the end of the battle. If the battle seems very close then you can hover over the influence bar and see the exact percent!

2.Battle Hero: This is a coveted medal given to the soldier with the highest influence in a mini battle. This medal comes with a treasure map and both battle heroes(bh for short) will receive the medal irrespective of who won the mini battle. The battle hero's avatar(in game pic) appears right beneath the national flag of the nation he is fighting for.

3.Fighting: You can fight by clicking the red "FIGHT" Button. Each fight will deplete your health by 10 points. The weapon in your inventory and your skill level(Hot Shot, Nemesis, Veteran) as well as rank(such as General or Field Marshall) will decide how much damage you inflict. Each fight will equip and use the best weapon in your inventory of your highest skill(Air Unit,Tank,Rifle,Artillery). You dont need to be a citizen of a country to fight for them, you can either move to that country or your country may have an MPP with them.

4.Allies or MPPs: The new rules of the module means that both attacking and defending countries have their MPPs activated. What are MPPs? They are Mutual Protection Pact, as the name suggests it is a proposal signed by two countries who vow to protect eachother. When an MPP is activated, you can fight for your ally even without moving. To see who all are the allies you can click the near where it tells you the number of allies.

5.Rocket Launcher: This is the one and only booster available in the new war module. It is an instant kill irrespective of your opponents health/weapon/skill. It will not only kill your opponent in 1 click but doesnt take the usual 10 health points per fight. However it costs 1 gold per kill(or click).

6.Eating and Hospital: The "Eat" Button which has the image of food can be used to eat and increase your wellness or health. The button when clicked will consume the first food in your inventory irrespective of quality. You can eat upto extra 300 Health per day. The Hospital can be used only if the region of the battle has a hospital deployed. This will show a hospital button which can be used 5 times per mini battle. The health granted per click will depend on the quality of the hospital. You'll have to be quick as the hospital disappears fairly quickly. A minimum of 20 Health is needed to fight.

7.Health Packs: Health Packs give 10 wellness at the cost of 0.5 gold. These however do not have a limit and if you are over and above the 300 HP limit on food you can use Health Packs to keep fighting, but remember, it costs 0.5 gold every time you use it.

8.Influence, Rank and Experience gains: Each Kill you do gets you a number of Influence(damage),Rank Points and Experience points. These depend on the skill level, quality of the weapon of both you and the enemy and number of hits it took to kill your opponent.

9.Weapons: Always try to fight with weapons, not only does it help you kill your enemy faster but also gets you more ranking points as well as experience points and influence. To buy a weapon hover your mouse onto 'Market' and click on the Marketplace and click on the weapon of your choice. Two bars will pop up titled "Ammunition" and "Body". Ammunition decides the damage your weapon does and Body decides how many times you'll be able to use the same weapon. select your preference and click "Show Results". This will show the weapons on market that match your search and higher quality ones. Take your pick, enter how many and click buy! Voila! you are now armed and ready to blow stuff up!

[size=14pt]The Most Important thing to do is Join eSAAF:[/size] To enlist Click Here

eSAAF is the true eSA Army,they live,breath and bleed eSA. They will not only help you fight but also get you equipped with weapon and food. And Nothing comes close to fighting for your army.

Our Second Broadcast

Here is our second broadcast, enjoy! Again, sorry for its late arrival.

All the best!
Minister of Social Development