MoSD Article: How to Move

Day 1,062, 12:44 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Social Affairs

How to Move

This is an article wrote by Damien Wolf explaining how to move. Thanks to him.

Since eRepublik is a global game, it includes more than 1 region or eNation. So there may be times when you are required to move.

1)You will have to move to place a congress candidature in a different region than the one you are staying in.
2)You may want to fight in a foreign battle so you will have to move there to fight.
3)You may want to just take a eHoliday.

You can move within your country at any time, irrespective of your party allegiance or company ties. However if you are planning to move abroad then you will need to make sure that.

1)You quit your job.
2)You resign from your political party.
3)Members of Congress and Country Presidents cannot move while in office.

To move first you'll have to see how many zones the move will be. Distance in eRepublik is measured through Zones.
To see how many zones it will take go to your profile(Click on your avatar or your name on the homepage).

Once You reach your profile click on "Change" Beside "Location".

It will use the first ticket in your inventory that matches the requirement. If you dont have a ticket then you'll need to buy one from the Marketplace

Itinerary decides how many zones the ticket will let you move. Paper Decides how many Health points you will receive.
Select your requirement and press "Show Results" this will show you all the tickets that satisfy your requirements as well as show better ones.

Go back to your profile page, click on change location and move to the desired location.

After Moving, if you moved to a different nation, you will be asked if you want to apply for citizenship, you can say "No Thanks" or "Apply for Citizenship"
The latter will take you to the citizenship application page.

Thats the basics of moving, although simple to understand, it is a very vital part of eRepublik.


Minister of Social Development