MoPR Update - Day 847 (PART 2)

Day 847, 21:55 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information
MoPR Update - Day 847 (PART 2)

New eBabies | Sol Update |

New Babies

This is just a short interruption in our wartime broadcast to update Australia on the current population situation, as well as the Sol situation.

Since the beginning of Prime Minister Cerb's term, 816 new citizens have joined eAustralia (not including immigrants from other countries or visiting soldiers). Of these 816, 427 of them surpassed level 3 and have continued playing. We are working to increase on this number, and Baby Booming Minister Dartreal has several plans in place to achieve this! Great work, MoBB team!

Also, in the near future, there will be a Baby Boom Competition with HUGE prizes. Details to come in the near future!


Sol Update
There have been lots of rumors going around that Australia has moved to Observer status in the Sol Alliance. These rumors are true. It came to our attention that Sol was proposing that member nations pay 5% of GDP in fees for funding. Since Australia is running a tight budget, it was decided that EDEN is a higher priority for Australia.

Corey Blake
Deputy Chief of Staff