MoLA - This Month's Squad, and The Congress Diaries [Part 1]

Day 783, 05:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK House Of Parliament

Well, look at that! We're back in action, ready and willing, salt and pepper. The MoLA is here to serve the country once again, our team scurrying around the back rooms of the eUK, making sure everything goes smoothly; in many respects, we're like super-intelligent mice covered in grease. And in many respects, we're not. But just who ARE the team? Well, let's find out, shall we?

First off, continuing from his post last term, we have GGRyan as the Minister of Legislative Affairs, along with the following under ministers;

Andy Millward - Also staying on, this time as underminister in charge of the MoLA Newspaper you're reading now.

Azra'eil - A new boy in the MoLA, but widely experienced - Four times congressman for the SW, and founder of the SW Regional Council. He's going to be overseeing the implementation of a new system designed to clarify political experience.

Lord Weiis - The third member of the MoLA to continue from last month, LW will be in charge of the new and improved British Academy Awards.

and finally, John Thunscorpe - Currently based in eHungary, our second new face in the MoLA will be helping to keep on top of the eUK congress, recording when they turn up for votes, and when they don't.

Now for something new and exciting! This month we will be running a Congressman's Diary to give you a taste of what congressmen do for you. With war in bound this one should be real interesting; lets hope! Our two congressmen, Joachim von Bremen and Damian Jacob Tamir Jager have both written intros to start off!

Joachim von Bremen - The Intro
Born on the 24th February 2009, I had a tough upbringing in the backstreets of the West Midlands before relocating to Romania to find war elsewhere (The UK being a stagnant and un-war-torn place during my early months). This was followed by a stay in Germany where I tried to defend them from the Swedes during the last days of Atlantis. While this dirty business had been going on in-game, I'd become active in the RFA on the forums during Goku's renovation of the party. After these formative months, I signed up to the navy - a decision I still think is the best thing I've chosen to do while playing eRepublik. It really is the greatest treasure the UK holds. Even now, months after having gone to the paras, I'm still always on the naval IRC channel. I ran for congress in December and got in for the first time - and have been active in discussions since then.

My real achievements in eRepublik are neither political nor military, but are just conquests of entertainment. I like to think that I try to make the UK if not a better place in terms on strength and might, then at least a more fun place to be in. The only thing we can take out of this game is entertainment value and personally I do not get a thrill from looking at our total population and seeing it creep up day by day. The really great moments are not battles for important regions, but awesome conversations you have and hilarious quotes you read. John Coville's promotion rant, francis coleite10's presidential campaign, Malta's election predictions and constantly congratulating Eddie on a job well done - these are the things I remember and enjoy more than anything.

So that's me in eRepublik - just someone who wants to play a game and enjoy it.

Damian Jacob Tamir Jager - The Intro
I am very hard working and get bored very, very easily, thats why there won't be a time of the day where you won't find me either doing work on erepublik, writing stuff for RL or revising. I have a lot of political experience as well as economical, I do and have done several jobs in: Ministries, Parliament, the GWU, the CCB, the PA, the PCP, etc. I have a short attention span and am very mildly schizophrenic, watch out... there's a schizoid about. Also I get angry easily, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... but at least my sense of humour never dies down.

So there you have it - new faces, old faces, new ideas, old ideas! We're all looking forward to this month, and I hope you are too! Vote, Subscibe, blah blah blah... Oh, and if you have any questions, feel free to PM one of the team - we'll get it sorted out!

Rocking out with the Legislative cool cats,
Andy Millward, uMoLA