MoInfo Press Release : 19.07.2009

Day 607, 01:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Information Ministry

Greetings, People of Ireland

Only a fortnight has passed since the elections, and Ireland finds herself wedged between two warring superpowers. The atmosphere has been extremely tense and unpredictable, and has seen much chaos and upheaval. The tension over rumoured impending attacks upon the United Kingdom was palpable. Fear and anticipation fueled a flurry of communications in local and international media, on IRC and in national community forums across the New World.

These fears were realized when carefully coordinated attacks were launched against Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.

In the middle of all this upheaval sits beloved Ireland. With potentially hostile forces at our borders, both the near and long term safety and sovereignty of our nation are genuinely in question. Will the battling superpowers simply view us as too insignificant to concern themselves with, or will the people of Ireland be fettered to the yoke of oppression from a foreign invader?

To make matters seem apparently worse, all of these events began to unfold just as the newly-elected Irish administration was attempting to complete the transition to power. Emergency meetings were held not only to discuss the unfolding international events, but also to get a firm grasp on the realities and needs of the Irish people.

The new administration has been working feverishly to maintain the security and sovereignty of Ireland, and has taken steps to support the Irish economy. Developments in recent days include:

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that discussions between both United States and PEACE negotiators to secure and maintain Ireland’s neutrality have been successful, at least in the near term. Working in concert with the Departments of Defence and Intelligence, Bryan O’Shea reports success in securing a public notice of respect of sovereignty by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The Department of Health has opened the General and Company Health Schemes, for the betterment of the Irish people. The GHS is available to anyone whose wellness is 60 or below, and the Company Health Scheme is available for companies who wish to take an active participation in the welfare of their workers.

The Department of Finance and Industry released a new report, detailing the country’s current economic status and possible directions for future growth, including the possibility of tax cuts, as well as a suspension of the state-funded offshore company initiative.

CITIZEN AWARENESS: In our efforts to keep Irish citizens abreast of the most up-to-date information regarding the ongoing conflict, the Ministry of Information would like to recognize, and make the Irish people aware of, citizen Conor Forde’s battlefield publication, Da Funky Times. The Irish Government appreciates Conor’s hard work to keep the public informed of the day’s events. You can tune in to Conor’s broadcast at the link below.

Da Funky Times:

The Ministry of Information would like to caution all citizens to remain ever vigilant during this time of conflict, but do not panic. All military personnel should check your inboxes and division forums regularly for orders and official updates.

KNOW YOUR IRELAND: The national flag of Ireland is a tri-colour green, white and orange. The green represents the older Gaelic tradition while the orange represents the supporters of William of Orange. The white in the centre signifies a lasting truce between the 'Orange' and the 'Green'.

IN-LINE UPDATE: Just prior to release, it was revealed to the public that the United Kingdom has subsequently joined PEACE GC.