Mistake, Hack, or Brilliance: Israel's War With Turkey

Day 725, 08:52 Published in Israel Israel by Avrom

War. There are many views on such a drastic measure. Our President, JMatH, reciently put Israel at war with Turkey along our Northern border. He posted an official remark as to why. His reasons include, "They annoy me for one." Is this really a reason for war? To me it smacks of personal vengeance over a petty squabble. I know many people who annoy me, but I do not go around pointing a Desert Eagle at their skull only to confuse it with my own foot. That's right, this war is shooting our great nation of Israel in the foot. JMatH also stated that, "We may be taken over, but it was epic just attacking in the first place. If we win, then I'll laugh a lot and laugh at everyone who doubted it(this won't happen)." Common sense tells us never to start a fight that we may not win when the risk does not out weigh the reward. In regards to the President's boredom comment, from what I understood we had a training war in the works. However sir, you have become trigger and power happy at the moment. I supported you sir, I sent as many shouts as I could in hopes that you would not be impeached when you were hacked. Please don't prove me wrong.

I would like nothing more than to see the threat of Turkey eliminated. However we are not in a position to take over a nation such as they. We have allies, but would they or should they support such a foolish attack? I will say despite my dislike for this attack, I have started to fight as well. We have no choice, our President started a foolish war and unless we wish to adopt Turkish society as our own we must defend this land.

You may feel as though our President is being an idiot but let us finish the task set before us. When it is done we can talk of impeachment later if the Turks do not overthrow our country first.