Mirek for the President of eIreland - November 5th

Day 1,073, 10:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by mirek12345

Hello eIreland.

Over the last 8 months I have worked and fought with eIrishmen,through good times and not so good times. Today I am proud to call myself eIrish and I know that together with my cabinet, allies and friends that we can help bring Ireland onto the next level.

Thus, today I am announcing my candidacy for president of Ireland

In this first article I will be covering how we will improve every part of eIreland with a higher more active population.


eIreland has a lot of potential as a country, but something which has always been holding it back is it's population size. Wandering Rian the old Eire Aontaithe party president once said that,
"active players are our most valuable resource“
and I am of the same idea.

The more active players we have the more ideas for improvements we get, the more soldiers and the greater demand for goods on our markets.

MoR is going to recruit in full speed again 🙂 We are also currently looking at ways to start making Ireland an attractive place for already established players that are facing PTO in their original eCountries or are simply looking for a cool new place to live.


We don't come back to this game to push a few buttons everyday, we come back because of the social part of it. The banter, friends we've made and the lulz. This term if you choose Mirek, Ireland will end up with a much higher citizen retention rate because we're going to get our noobs socially active from the start. The MoNC will get an irc room specifically for meeting noobs, helping them and giving them future advice. A direct link to the room will be put in the New citizens message with an emphasis on the importance of entering the chat. We would then have the Ministers of New Citizens and other helpers who would welcome the noobs, make general conversation and answer all their questions. For noobs erepublik is an infinitely confusing place, looking at this great article

from system we can see just how few players make it in the game and I believe that this program we will be giving our noobs the best chance to experience this game in the best possible way.

This is the 1st part of my Manifesto, so be ready for more in the next 7 days 🙂

Vote Mirek for Country President

Kind Regards

*NOTE : This 1st part is slightly changed 1st part of my manifesto from august