Ministry of Community, Office of Community Events. February 6, 2014

Day 2,270, 14:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

February 6, 2014

Nominations for the Community Awards closed yesterday at end of day. Right now Kurgan is checking the nominations to check to see if there are any irregularities and then I will publish the results with a form for the final voting.

I should publish the nominations in a day or so.

First on this terms agenda is a poll to determine the thoughts of the Irish citizenry on which nations and alliances they like the best. It is a short poll, only a couple of questions but the answers will help determine the path that we take as a nation. There are no wrong answers. Tell us what you think and help choose the future of Ireland.

The poll can be found here

Let’s Fill Up eRep With Art

In the press recently there have been several articles about art. The idea is to get as many people writing about and showing artworks by famous artists. You can see an example here Check out some of the articles. There are pretty pictures.

Minister of Community, Office of Community Events

Anthony Colby