Military Treason

Day 1,055, 23:13 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut

I feel compelled to write this article about a most serious and grave issue occurring in the eWorld, that of the presence of traitors within the eUnited States Military who are undermining the integrity of the armed forces and who are knowingly and recklessly putting the security of the entire nation in grave jeopardy by their actions. For some time now, our military has grown more and more corrupted by the influence of these individuals who seek to dishonor our nation and to destroy the barrier between the political world and the military world.

The most recent incident in a long trend of disturbing developments has been the dishonorable discharge of Walnutz from the military. Walnutz, a long-time decorated warrior and valued soldier was accused of being "friends" with me. This accusation alone was enough to warrant his dismissal. Our military has been corrupted by people who bring their own personal agendas into an area where politics are supposed to be irrelevant. There have been other cases of members of the military being threatened by superiors to cut off their ties with our political faction or face similar reprocussions, but now they just go ahead and do it and skip over the intimidation. Let it also be noted that he has been permanently barred from service. It is no business of ANYONE in the military who someone chooses to be friends with or politically support. It is irrelevant, yet our country has been weakened by yet another strong soldier not being on the front lines fighting for the eUS and its allies.

In last months Party Presidential Election, I was told by numerous members of the military including Oberstos, who authorized me to mention his name, that he was given orders from the Chain-Of-Command(directed by Rod Damon of course) to move to the Conservative Party and assist Claire Littleton's takeover of the party. Let us ALSO remember that it is his stated goal to eliminate all parties below the top five for, what else? "national security" reasons. Instead of having our troops doing their duties they are now sent on political errands and lied to in order to control internal political matters in the way that certain individuals want them dealt with. There are even those who KNOWINGLY engage in this and have no problem doing so proudly displaying their military avatar. The fact is, sadly, that the military is becoming progressively more a political tool for certain powerful individuals to wield for their own nefarious purposes.

Let us not forget that there are still courageous, honorable individuals serving our nation, but we need these people to stand up and say no more to this treason. We need every able bodied American Patriot regardless of their political leanings and personal friendships to serve our nation. It is a privilege that should never be denied anyone who loves their nation and can faithfully serve it. Say NO more to the lies and misuse of their positions by these traitors trying to abuse their posts to further their own objectives. Stand up and defend eAmerican liberty. DEMAND that HONOR be restored to our nation and its proud armed services and that the traitors who have weakened our nation by their selfish actions are brought to justice for what hey continue to do for their own benefit and that of their cronies instead of what is best for ALL the eAmerican people and ALL of its friends..