Mesage from President to All new Moldavian Congressmans

Day 553, 03:44 Published in Republic of Moldova Romania by OchiReci
As president of Moldavia I want first to congratulate you for being elected in the Congress and I have to ask you to not propose strange laws or resign so easily from the seat you have fought so hard to gain.

Second, like you all must already know our small country is poor and we need some kind of finance to establish a correct salary base, and for that I ask each one of you to donate to Moldavia 2 gold from the money you won today. This will give us 20 gold that will be transformed in 4.000 MDL [ as soon as that ridiculos issues 1 mld law passes the voting sistem ]

Is a bit paintfull for me to write this article in english because most of you do not understand our language but it is a duty I have and fellings are not allowed in this political world. I only hope all of you have the best intention and your presence here will raise the country economy, society and military power.

Thank you and God Bless Moldavia.

Update : I didn`t see that a law regarding my impeachement was proposed by our turk collegue from congres as payback [ because I impeach basar_sonmez who get permanenty ban after that for using clones in election ]. I ask you to vote NO on this law and I hope Ibrahim Zubukzade will have the dignity to resign and leave this country forever, I understand he is a friend of basar and even can be the same person but we don`t need such person on our congress. On the other part a turk in Moldavia is a offence to our entire nation because of what happened in RL history and we can`t allow such an afront to go unnoticed.

Update 2 : Vote YES on the others laws, the taxe for food sound reasonable and the burn of 1 MDL can`t harm our economy. [ Issue Money & Taxe Change : Food