Members of the RFA & The Red Submarine Coalition

Day 655, 01:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Radical Freethinkers Alliance

To all members of the RFA, and the Red Submarine Coalition,

As you may know, due to a series of unfortunate and unpredictable events, Scipio was not available to be put forward as a candidate for PM this month. We can only hope that the reason for this is that his internet went down, rather than something worse in real life which would stop him from being able to come online. Whatever the cause, the Red Submarine Coalition went into discussion last night to discuss a new approach to the elections. A new candidate was found, who still has vast experience - Widdows9000. He is a fantastic candidate who promises to live up to the manifesto drawn up over the last week. The Red Submarine Coalition now 100% supports Widdows with just as much enthusiasm as it did Scipio.

However, in the interest of voting clarity, it should be noted that Scipio and Widdows will not be the same politician. They are independent of one another, and a vote for Scipio may not translate directly to a vote for Widdows.

Make sure you are fully aware of all the candidates for this election and make an informed choice. But the RFA and the Red Submarine assures you that Widdows9000 is the right man for the job.

Here is his amended manifesto:

Make sure you read this as well as Scipio's so you can appreciate what this government will bring, but also that you read the manifestos of all the candidates, so that you can pick the presidential candidate who best represents YOU.

Thanks for your time,

Good Luck to all the Candidates.