Mein Kampf

Day 1,357, 09:12 Published in Philippines Philippines by Marie von Gablitz

At the beginning of a new month an new elected president Philippines
surely started to lose her democratic system, rights of national minorities in Philippins are endangered, Congressional political influence is degraded.
All political power flew into the hands of one man, itno the hands of
Philippines dictator.

Let me start from the beginning:

- Presidential Manifesto
Current Philippines president promoted himself on the election day with
this following article/manifesto
That article clearly shows a manipulation using an innocent and sweet
kitten mask with the aim to remove any doubts about his real intentions.

- Cabinet
Noone was familiar who will be representatives in the new Philippines cabinet, it just suddenly pop out.
Ministries in the Philippines cabinet contains some foreign politicians
which includes direct influence of other sovereign countries into Philippines inner politic.
Cabinet where minister of foreign affairs and president advisors don't
have Philippines citizenship only indicates that this country is an political colony where the dictator consolidating his power through
political strength of other countries.

- plans and ideas
First presidential speach clearly shows diversity between his promises
and practical acts.
Also first time in the official article there are signs of self-management policies.

"All military unit in the ePhilippines, especially those that are private armies, shall swear allegiance to the people of the Republic of ePhilippines. To fight and defend the country at all times"

Without previous arrangement with Military Units , new president gives
orders and determines the fate of private Units which was created from
private accounts and have slef-supply organization.
Every Military Unit is created on own principles upon which all members
stands and fights for.
If one country doesn't endorse some military unit via supplies that country
shouldn't have any right to ask for a loyalty.

-"The Congress shall take on more responsibility. The times of just getting elected and voting YES or NO is over"

Congress has lost any independence and right to make some decisions right now
Congress members are getting only direct orders from the dictator .
As a congress member we don’t have right to think , to suggest anything our job
reduced to vote YES or NO only as the Führer decides.

-"Citizens of this country shall take aside their differences to preserve this nation"

Hypocritical statement while president gets forfeit points because of his shouts where
he talks about his hate for RL European players.
" Talaga namang walang tiwala ang mga foreigners sa kakayahan ng mga pilipino. Baka magresign na lang kapag ganito ugali ng mga hayop na ito."
"this is why I am starting to hate you foreigners. you are all changing my opinions about Europeans RL"

Misgraceful MPP law with Serbia while at the same time we negotiated with China and possible MPP with them.
This shameful law is a provocation directed to Philippines friendly country China.
Also this law is the annulment of all previous presidents and everything they
have done for this country.
Greatest paradox is that our president named that law as a blessing Philippines received from Serbia , even out of some unexplained reasons he changed his mind
and ordered congress to vote against the MPP law.

Contact with previous Philippines Presidents