Meet the Treasury-(TF2 Joke Implied)

Day 938, 16:54 Published in USA USA by batterytime
Meet the Treasury
Secretary of the Treasury-Batterytime

This is the eUS Department of the Treasury.

This is the handsome Australian s̶n̶i̶p̶e̶r̶ SoT himself, batterytime.

This article is a result of President Choc's article, and describes what we do here at the Treasury.

The Treasury aims to provide the analysis for our country to run at full economic power. In just this first week or so of the June term, we have provide😛
1). Import/Export numbers on international trade
2). Valuation of important regions in the eUS such as Karnataka
3). Refinement of the tax model for said regions
4). Other unspeakable sekrits that I am not allowed to tell of

The recent embargos against Slovenia and North Korea are just one of the actions taken by the government as a result of statistics and models the Treasury has provided.

In addition to providing analysis and other statistical reports to the government, we are also tasked with running economic projects, of which the biggest by far this term has been the V2 Treasury Bonds program. Undoubtedly, you have seen the following graphic floating aroun😛

I would like to remind you that these are still being sold as well. 😁

Thus concludes this brief introduction of the Department of the Treasury. If you have any questions, I'm always open to a PM, or find me on IRC.

Until next time,
Secretary of the Treasury

Taking aim at enemy imports 😃