Mediums & Messages

Day 1,296, 12:20 Published in Canada Canada by Sperry
While I've got your attention, take a jump over to this article if you want in on 35 Gold in Free Swag.

Gotta love having Dead White Guys in our society

The debate over mediums extends well beyond eRepublik. But given that 1964 matters very little to most of you, and only Tom Hagen was eBorn by then, I'm going to gloss over it. Instead, I'd like to focus on the recent discussions about whether or not we need the Forums and IRC.

The eCanada forums we currently use have been around longer than I have. They came, if I recall correctly, just before I joined the game after we moved away from another set of forums. Those were far more colourful, I'll admit, but by age and amount of use they pale in comparison. IRCs have been around even longer - they've been a gathering point for internet communication for years, and certainly outstrip eRepublik in terms of their simple effectiveness.

But to the non-Forumers and IRC-wary, what are these things for? Surely I can survive the daily strife of politics in this game without adding another bit of tedium to my work day. And IRCs may be simple to use, but how the devil do I get on them? A Mibbit Rizon sounds like a Viagra-enduced toad, not a political medium.

Simply put, the Forums and IRC are an extension of this game. They compensate for the ebb and flow of eRepublik's mediums - PMs, shouts, and articles. Shouts and PMs have improved in that you can send messages to several people at once or shout without a 3-per-day restriction, a definite plus. But as we've seen with the recent fragmenting of the media module, far fewer people are reading the papers each day. I won't even get into how few Nooblets do.

Serious Cats would suggest that the Forums and IRC are absolutely essential to success in this game - that without them, our ability to organize any number of endeavours would be severely crippled. On this point, I disagree. The Forums are not essential. Petz, who is terribly old and rather silly, gets by just fine - he is hardly ever to be seen around the Forums or IRC. Similarly, two of my "IRL" friends play this game, and between them they've probably spent about 1 hour on metagame mediums. One of them hits in the Top 100 for Canadian soldiers. I use the IRC and Forums every day, and I couldn't make the Top 100 if I had an Alfagcard.

Kazuo the Unimpeachable recently quipped that "The CP has not been to the forum for 3 days and is still governing. Is the forum still relevant?" Our sparkly ex-leader is right - Rolo has not posted on the forums, at least in part because he is unable to do so. But, perhaps not surprisingly, there are two flaws with this reasoning:

1) The Executive has made extensive use of the Forums. By my count, every single member of the executive has been on the IRC since they took office, almost all of them in #eCan. Moreover, the President has "spoken through" (perhaps more literally than some may like 😉) several of his cabinet members on the forums at a constant rate. To suggest that Rolo has gotten by without touching the Forums is extremely misleading.

2) "Not Essential" and "Worth Tossing" are about as far apart as Rolo and Rylde. While they may appear to some as fairly similar, our lovely language uses different words on purpose. Are the Forums essential to the game? Obviously not, or they'd be a part of it. But should we get rid of everything that isn't absolutely essential? Please, God, no. Military Units are fun, but they're not essential. CAF and the TCO survived for ages without that little add-on. And I can still kill Swedes with the Q1s I make - should I stop pestering the CAF for those perdy Q5s?

We do not use the Forums & IRC because they are "essential". They're not. We use them because they improve the quality of our conversations, and therefore our gameplay. Groups are able to have back-and-forth discussions over a long period of time without 50 articles in the media, armies are able to strategize in real time without sending 100 PMs. These metagame mediums are not required to get through eRepublik, but they certainly make it easier. I, for one, will always take a paddle when going upstream. You can use your hands if you'd like.

I'd also like to address messages, while we're on this alliterative topic. Messages like the one posted in this Top 5 Swedish Newspaper. Scroll down to Comment #13, curtosy of a certain Cabinet Minister.

Claimed patriotic purposes aside, it's exceedingly hypocritical of an Administration to condemn someone one day, and copy them the next. Congressman Rylde, for those of you unaware, lost his masking on the helpful-but-not-vital Forums the other day for, among other things, promoting free handouts of weapons for anyone willing to fight for Sweden against Canada. Rolo, being reasonably intelligent, issued an executive order that Rylde lose his masking. Lost it he did. Today, however, we find our Vice President posting comments directing Swedish players to the same free-fighting source. It's posted in a medium they will definitely see - the paper outsubscribes all but 3 of ours, as over 2600 people have clicked the Ego Button.

Eager to drain Rylde of his supplies? Not an evil idea, so fair enough on that. But there are lots of ways to drain supplies from someone you don't like, and pointing Godzilla to the orphanage is not the way to do it. Is it honestly beyond the wit and bravado of this administration to dupe Rylde? I know he's a sneaky bugger, but really? The best way to stop him from having to make sure that the Swedish get them?

As we draw ever closer to the availability of the "Impeach" button, both camps have got to be wondering how likely it is that they will succeed. There's a lot on the line - if the Impeachment fails, then Rolo will have effectively been forgiven by both the public and two of the three branches of government (the 3rd is defunct). If it succeeds, however, then D'Addy and his friends are back out on the streets looking for another job, and we'll have a new President in runner-up Muglack.

I'm not sure which side will win out, but the message is clear: sort out your issues, Canada. It's a sorry situation indeed if the smartest people about are all begging to arm the Swedes. In government or not, that's not exactly the smartest thing to be doing if you want Canada on the map.

Eternally Weird;