Me? President? Here I am again!

Day 665, 19:38 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Welcome again to my campaign! I've had a lot of feedback on my ideas on the minimum wage, which all seem to be about unanimous...but before that I must thank Foxarius for his advice on actually using my name. Many thanks and sorry that I was so ignorant. Forgive me.

And so, I am milestailsprower, presidential candidate. Here is what I found out about people's thoughts on raising the minimum wage...

"...Job offers are rarely the 1USD minimum wage. More often they're 1.50 or something, and after 2 days, the wage is increased because the citizen has reached skill 1. During those 2 days, the citizen fee should cover for food. They should be over 40 wellness by level 5, and thus should be able to fight and use the hospital.


"Raising the minimum wage would kill new players. We had MoW but unfortunately due to war time we cant simply afford to feed them. Pre-war MoW had a 70% retention rate after 2 months. We also have the mentor program and the NAU (closed for the war).

-Gaius Julius"

"Raising minimum wage is pointless what would possibly help is raising the fund that new players get at the start. like from 5 to 6.5 or something.


It seems I have failed to create a viable way to help others because raising the minimum wage:

Discourages employers from hiring non-skilled workers.
Creates a strain on the economy.
Unnecessary due to existing institutions and government programs.

Along with other things. This does not mean I will stop trying to find ways of helping newcomers and encouraging them to stay! I am going to do that, but I will need some time to come up with more ideas. Thanks for being so patient with me while I do that.

Before I close (today is short) I want to wish Emerick good luck on his recovery from the swine flu (I do believe he has it) and I also wish Gaius Julius good luck in running our country.

And most importantly, good luck to all citizens out there! Hope you will all fare well and for those watching my campaign ask me more questions about me. Don't worry, I'll have a full fledged article out real soon.
