MDU debates, my opinion.

Day 428, 12:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by rastari

Members of the MDU have been getting upset about some of the criticism they have been getting recently, particularly with Dish and the HoL thread in the euk forums which can be found here now i personally think that yes some people could do with calming down a little but Tommy also got a little agressive.

You are bound to get criticism and you shouldn't take it personally and say everybody is against us, you should listen to them and take it on board if they are being too agressive or just flaming instead of debating properly then point this out in a calm and polite manner, just because your opponents are acting immaturely doesn't mean you have too go down to there level rise above it. It took quite a while before anybody got through to you on the subject of the MDU help line about changing the name, that is because you where thinking that they where picking on you when actually they where just questioning.

In these debates and many other one's since i have been here and long before they have been trolls, people flaming, people taking offence at nothing and people unwilling to debate reasonably there will be these sorts of people and behaviour long after i am gone, the only way to deal with this is by reporting it too the forum admin and being reasonable yourself, if not just stay out of there way, taking things personally will not solve anything.