May Honours Recipients from the United Kingdom

Day 579, 14:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

An announcement to the citizens of the UK.

We have now caught up to Malta's term. This term we had one extra Honour because we skipped over Jerry's second Resignation Honour, so there will be four this time around.

The Military is free to post their own.

Recipient: Nelsaidi
Honour: Member of the British Empire

For over a year now, Nelsaidi has been a staple of the Community to the United Kingdom. He has not been Prime Minister, or the Leader of our Military for months, but he has been just as important in building our great Community as any leader in the History of the eUK.

Nelsaidi has dedicated his eLife to running and improving our forums, one little bit at a time. Starting at the old forums, and all the way through the new ones, with the various quirks, bells, and whistles he's added in. He's basically spent the last year of his life to make our lives easier and more functional. It takes a lot for a person to give up their own in game successes for the goal of the greater good, and Nelsaidi has done so selflessly.

On behalf of the Honours Committee and the United Kingdom, we hereby award Nelsaidi with the Honour of being a Member of the British Empire. May we all strive for the common good, just as Nelsaidi has.

Recipient: Certacito
Honour: Member of the British Empire

Certacito has held a record for some months now. He is the longest standing Congressmen in Erepublik, going on 16 terms consecutively dating back into early 2008. A long standing member of the community, Certacito stand's for one thing: Staying Power. He consistantly stands for quality over quantity, intelligence, and order in one of the hardest Congressional (Parliamentary) systems in the eWorld. While many may not know CC personally, his contributions to Commons are always valued and thoughtful, and his input usually has a very straight point. In Congress, where most of the power lies, that's a very important feature. Considering he's done this longer than most people even play Erepublik, without fail, makes Certacito a very valued member of the United Kingdom, and we feel that it's high time he's recognised for his accomplishments.

On behalf of the Honours Committee and the United Kingdom, we Honour Certacito as a Member of the British Empire.

Malta's Leaving Honour

Recipient: JerryGFL
Honour: Member of the British Empire

JerryGFL has been a cornerstone of UK Society since he arrived mid year in 2008, contributing in each and every way he thought he could. Beginning as a Congressmen (MP) in Scotland, working his way up through Commons, and later through Ministries, Jerry has worked tirelessly over the months to improve and lead the UK.

His resume is as impressive as anyone's in the United Kingdom. Spending several terms in Congress, four terms as the Minister of Health, one and a half as Prime Minister, Jerry has proven time and again that he's willing to spend his time to work for others. The life of a Public Servant is not about the gratitude or title received, but the people you help. In that regard, Jerry has been at the top of his class.

On behalf of the Honours Committee of the United Kingdom, we hereby award JerryGFL with the Honour of Member of the British Empire.

Jerry's Second Term Resignation Honour

Recipient: Rayf Drayson
Honour: Member of the British Empire

The youngest person in terms of eAge to ever see the PM duties (outside of Snow Gibbon, who was one of the first UKers ever, elected in the first month), Rayf Drayson has been a continual voice in the United Kingdom for some time.

Choosing to live in the UK, Rayf almost immediately rose to popularity and fame through his work within the UKRP as Press Director, helping to rebuild the Party from troubling times. Winning Party Presidency by a wide margin, and later winning the Prime Minister position by a close margin over Widdows, Rayf has continuously shown the work ethic to improve the UK, whether they fit his own ideals or not.

Making choices with which we don't always agree is the mark of a good leader, if we know they benefit the nation on the whole. Rayf has, for months, continually put aside his own agendas to help in his duties. He was a 1 term Prime Minister, 2 term Minister of Finance, and has been a forum administrator (because of his lack of Party Bias and overall non-partisan approach) for just about two months now. Couple that with his tenure in Lords and Commons, and work towards bettering the UK, and Rayf has shown time and again that he is just as dedicated to improving the UK as anyone.

On behalf of the Honours Committee of the United Kingdom, we are proud to award the Member of the British Empire to Rayf Drayson.

List of recipients thus far, through May:

Cheers from the Honours Committee

To learn more about the Honours Committee, register here