Maximizing Our Damage Potential

Day 700, 12:50 Published in USA USA by system0101

Last week we attacked Manitoba in a joint offensive trying to wrest control of one of the five territories Hungary still controls in North America. There are accounts that we got within 30,000 points of winning the battle before our combined forces ran out of steam. Close but no cigar, amirite?

Many ideas are floating around to help us maximize our damage potential, but they all hinge on one basic idea. We need to get more involved, and we need others to get involved as well.

Starting with our newest players. Many who reach level five get a cryptic message from Plato and nothing else. Some never see the DoD paper. Some never find out how to use hospitals, or that they even exist. I made a remark in my last article that we need to save the savable, and it still holds true. No matter what we do, I'll bet three quarters of new accounts will die, from many factors. Some people will just flat out not like this type of game. Some will see it as confusing. Some will call it too boring. But for the ones who would stay, we can't let them stumble blindly for too long, or they will leave as well.

I salute the Welcoming Committee, the Meals on Wheels program, the Mentorship program, and all the other efforts designed to help our newest citizens. But we can do more, and it doesn't take much. Use one of your daily shouts to advertise one of these programs, or eusforums. That small action could have profound impact over time, if many of us would do it regularly.

Now, once we get new players to the forums, not scaring them off is a different story, hehe. But ensuring that we have an active and growing playerbase is crucial.

Next up the totem pole are players who are at least moderately active. We need to figure out a better way to put guns in these players hands. One Q1 per attacker per battle could have a significant effect on our total damage potential. It would be expensive, for sure. But the immediate increase in damage, and the acceleration of ranking up our population, would seem to be worthwhile.

My last thoughts are on those who have been around for a while, yet never have seemed to get engaged in the warfare side of this game. Someone showed me the website the other day, and it's proved invaluable to my efforts.

I'll list some links below, and you can see for yourself that we have dozens of players with very high strength and reasonably high wellness, who have done little or no damage. If there is any one thing we can do to increase our immediate damage potential, it would be to get these players interested in fighting for our country. They will rank up the fastest, especially at the lowest rank levels.


No matter what route we take, it is apparent we must increase our damage potential if we are to beat back the Hun occupation.