MASSIVE Hole in the Constitution

Day 1,191, 02:56 Published in Australia Australia by Goose Step

Good Evening eAustralia,

Before I talk about the MASSIVE Hole I found in the constitution (and Ranger Bob throws something at the computer for me ranting again), can I take you through the key point of my beef.

I have asked over and over again why Xavier Griffith as speaker added certain sections to the act to make it LOOK LIKE it went to a referendum.

As you'll see above, the act placed in the policies section by Xavier Griffith features Public Vote -which shows links to the notifications and voting.

HOWEVER, if this is to show that it went to a referendum, then that is misleading.

According to the referendum act it had to be publicised in an OFFICIAL government newspaper, plus voting could not commence until 24 hours after that article was posted.

Furthermore, DA's newspaper is not an official newspaper and he's 'vote' was describe just as a public opinion poll.


So now when I point out the following hole in the constitution, please understand, I'm not a current senator - I'm an average citizen who was waiting for the constitution to go to a referendum for me to make my points and vote on it (like everyone else).

The so called public consultation was done under the guise of policy being 'drafted' by the DIYPA - I'm not a member of their party so I had no interest in what they had at the 'Draft stage'.

Now for the MASSIVE hole in the constitution.

When it comes to up-holding the political rules, each word in an act is important. None more so than what you need to pass a piece of legislation or revoke or impeach.

The constitution defines what a majority is, BUT what it does not do in the Government procedure section is state that a majority is needed.

In fact it simply says it needs to be taken to a vote!

So in theory, I can take it to a vote, be the only one to vote for it, but legally it passes because the constitution doesn't say I need a majority to pass it - it only 'defines' what a majority is.

In all the legislation that can be put forward it also includes 'Presidential Impeachment', which is lumped in with everything else (where in game a 2 thirds majority is needed to impeach).

In fact the only sections that speak of majority are that in voting in or revoking a speaker, or the public vote for amendment.

Funny, there's even a line on amendments saying after 'accepted by a government vote' - but does not define what was needed for the government vote to be accepted!

So senators who want radical changes - make your proposals now, because the Government Procedure DOES NOT STATE YOU REQUIRE A MAJORITY, simple that it must be voted on!

I'm CrowdedHouse
More hated than Larni... that's something she'll agree with