Masonic call to action

Day 725, 12:55 Published in Canada Canada by Motti0677

Having recenly read the article of our present eCanadian President, I have been
shocked by his public attack on Freemasonry (
As a proud members of "The Ancient Order of Free and Accepted Masons", I
call upon all my fellow brethren to raise their voices and apply preasure upon the eCanadian
Gouvernment, that prejudice, hate or aggression toward whatever group, creed or religion has no place in this great eCountry of ours!
For an eCanadian President to speak such words should not be tolerated and a warning
should be issued by our great Congress!
Intolerance is not acceptable in any country and it is a dangerous sign when a ePresident
publicly speaks out against a group or organisation of any kind!
Leaders lead by good examples and this wasn't one of them!

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