Mark Morcom - IA PP Platform Part 1 - Preamble and Finacial

Day 1,328, 05:09 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK
Yesterday I posted my reasoning for Running for PP of the Independent Alternative. Today I would like to post Part 1 of my platform.

I think that in order to be successful in any political post you should not be molded into the perceived shape of the post you occupy, rather you should think beyond that. You should think of how you can break the mold and create something organic, something that will grow and strengthen with time.

I have a vision for the IA, a vision that I feel compelled to share. I hope that the members will share my vision and come onboard by voting me into the Party Leadership

First order of business is my experience. What have I done for the country, and how do I understand the IA role in the national political spectrum.
My roles in eSA:

- 3x Minister of Security
- Minister of Foreign Affair
- Minister of Internal Affairs
- 14 x Congressman
- Member, Red Army
- 3 x President of eSouth Africa (2 x in-game and 1 x in resistance)
- 1 x Vice President of eSouth Africa
- 2 x Presidents Advisor
- 2 x Director of Intelligence
- Commander of the PV
- Military Advisor to S.A.I.L
- 2 x PP of The Liberal Party
- Founder, Independent Alternative of the 5th Republic
- 2 x PP of the Independent Alternative

But let me tell you something, everything above means nothing! The game is being played today, not yesterday. All the experience in the world is nothing without a vision. The IA is a political force and in eSA it is in the forefront. It’s a great responsibility and we need to prove to the members of our own party that we mean business.

My Vision – Financial
In order for a party to make a difference it needs to help those that are starting off in the game. To do this, there is a need for money. I believe that the following should be encouraged if elected

- Non-compulsory stewardship. I believe that if we could get party members to donate 10% of their earning to the IA, we could start making a difference

- Active recruitment. Want to change the lives of noobs? Then we need to get in-contact with the players and make sure they are fed.

- Want to change the landscape of eSA? Then you need to increase the population by de-creasing the infant mortality rate.

If elected, I will ensure that most new-borns are getting a message from an IA representative and necessary help with food and training.
But I need help! A vision cannot be acted upon without the help of those that are like minded. The IA members will need to step up.

Stay Tuned for the next part of my platform


Mark Morcom