Marius -Scott- Corleone's Memorial Poem

Day 924, 18:33 Published in Canada Canada by 00AngryMobMan00

Through tough times and sad moments,
you were always at our side,
helping, pushing, motivating, and more,
simply, with the thought of other's in your mind.

Never were you selfish,
you always put others before you.
Never did you freak out,
if someone else was centre-stage.

You always were a good listener,
and always you were there,
for when an eCanadian was down,
you'd be there to pick them up and brush them off!

The CAF was your life force,
and we will never forget,
the many things you did for us,
supply, help, direction and more!

Whether it be in IRC,
or rather in #eCan or SP!
You would always be in a conversation,
making your point known.

You had an opinion for everything,
and that is what we most adored,
for you always had a vision,
a vision for eCanada.

You treated everyone like family,
and you treated people with respect.
You'd even stick up for others,
no matter the situation

In general, you were a lovable personality,
one which no other man can match.
eCanada will go quiet for some time,
without you in presence.

So Here's to you Marius,
looking back on all of your accomplishments,
working and helping each and every day,
seeing how you've changed eCanada for the better.

There will always be an empty hole in eCanada,
that NO ONE will ever be able to fill.
We will forever miss you dearly,
as you left a lasting impression on us all.

To ones new and old, they all knew the name,
"Marius Corleone, Marius Corleone".
That name shall not be forgotten any time soon,
for us now, and the generations soon to come.

In The End Its a sad day, when a fellow soldier falls,
but we must realise just how lucky we were,
to call him our fellow soldier, officer, and leader,
with so many other things.

But today on day 9-2-4, a thing we must all do,
is we need to come to realise together,
just how lucky we were as citizens,
to be able to call him, our friend.

For one last time, sir, I salute you, not only as a soldier, but as a god-like citizen o7
Thank you for everything, I Will never forget you.
This is not a goodbye, however, just an "until we meet again"

Till then, fare thee well, my dear friend Marius "Scott" Corleone.

Forever Missing You,