Manifesto for Shannon Region 2

Day 733, 11:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by micktrim

Hi voters of the Shannon region
I’m back looking for a second term as TD for the Shannon region

*I’m an active player with 8 hardworker medals
*I’m currently ambassador to e-France
*I’m CO to 8th regular division
*I’m currently a TD for the Shannon region

I have stuck with Saoirse through the thick and thin, its fair to say im not a quitter. I will definitely be active as my 8 HW medals show, i have always been with Saoirse and helped them grow form a small party to what they are today.

Foreign affairs
I voted to change Ireland from a neutral to an independent country because I think that this allows Ireland to get more involved in foreign affairs without worrying about breaching neutrality. I’m also for IDF troops to be deployed in Countries that are in danger of being invaded and swallowed up by larger countries. I would also support the reestablishment of the ministry of Immigration or a similar ministry to sort out genuine immigrants and scammers

The Training wars have been a huge help not only in the training of recruits but also for the Economy as more people have 90+ health so they are more productive.As a member of Saoirse I feel the IDF is an important in the development of the country and as such have to congratulate the last few MOD’s that did a lot of hard work getting the Idf in back in shape.I would support new and lower level players getting weapons from the state for them to rank up quicker as many of them fight barehanded in the early stages of their e-lives. As well as this I would also like to see the Q5 state company upgrading the hospital Quality in important regions

If Elected I promise to be an active TD and take part in any of the votes in the forums I am also a pm away so if you have any questions.